- 内含IEEE英文论文格式模板,可以算是标准的,不过仅供参考。(standard English paper form of IEEE)
Static Analysis of a Loaded Truss_Pre
- 桁架静力分析,python语言编写建模过程(Truss static analysis, python language modeling process)
- 介绍了一种常见的电压电流转换电路路(或者称为电流源电路),自己琢磨了之后写的,很常用的,写给自己,也写给大家~(Introduced a common voltage current conversion circuit (or referred to as the current source circuit), after their own pondering, written, very commonly used to write to yourself, but also for e
- -- Descr iption : -- The controller simplifies the communication with FT245R chip. While -- provided interface is very similar to that of the chip itself, -- this controller takes care of all the delays and other aspects of -- FT245R's protoco
- BT04蓝牙模块图片,AT指令集及电脑和手机端接收软件(BT04 Bluetooth module pictures, AT instruction set, and computer and mobile receiver software)
MMA7361 倾角传感器 加速度模块
- MMA7361 倾角传感器 加速度模块原理图,相关资料和例程(MMA7361 tilt sensor acceleration module schematic, related information and routines)
- SYsU PhD thesis template
- Fuzzy Logic Controller for A Photovoltaic Array System to AC Grid Connected
- 基于AVL——cruise软件整车建模以及动力性仿真(Vehicle modeling and dynamic simulation based on AVL cruise software)
- Vehicular communications
ELF-64 Object File Format
- 本文档介绍了当前惠普/英特尔的elf-64对象定义文件格式。在大多数情况下是ELF32的一个简单的扩展,elf-32格式最初由AT&T定义的(This document describes the current HP/Intel definition of the ELF-64 object file format. It is, for the most part, a simple extension of the ELF-32 format as defined origin
- 武汉大学LaTeX博士论文模板;这是武汉大学LaTeX博士论文模板,用XeLaTeX编译,UTF-8编码。设计还是非常精致的---by 武汉大学数学系 黄正华老师(This is the Templete of phd thesis in Wuhan University. Made by Zhenghua Huang from Wuhan University.)