- GoodFontStatic 这是一个非常好的Staic类
- UWB_monocycle2 This m file plots the time and frequency domain of UWB PPM(pulse position modulated) waveforms(monocycles and doublets) with different pulse recurring frequency (PRF)and information rates.
- serial-port-communication-- 数字电压表是基于PSOC实验平台设计的
- movie 用于新手练习 ssh框架的登录注册功能 适合菜鸟 简单易懂(For beginners to practice SSH framework login login function
- this document is talking about snak segmentation, it is usefull for beginers
- MATLAB Functions pdf learning matlab
- Deneme iç in konulmuş dosyadı r, ö nemsemeyiniz.-Deneme iç in konulmuş dosyadı r, ö nemsemeyiniz.
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- 血型配对器的设计,设计一血型配对电路,用以检测输血者与受血者之间的血型关系是否符合,如果符合,输出为1,否则为0。-Blood type matching the design, design a blood type matching circuit for detecting blood transfusion and recipient relationship between meets, if so, the output is 1, and 0 otherwise.
- 简单数字钟应该具有显示时-分-秒的功能。首先要知道钟表的工作机理,整个钟表的工作应该是在1Hz信号的作用下进行,这样每来一个时钟信号,秒增加1秒,当秒从59秒跳转到00秒时,分钟增加1分,同时当分钟从59分跳转。-It should have a simple digital clock display- minutes- seconds function. We must first know the working mechanism of clocks, watches the entir
- 1、设计能带8个LED发光管发光,并按照要求轮流发光,产生流水灯的流动效果。 2、应具有两种以上不同风格的流动闪亮效果。比如依次点亮或者依次熄灭。(选作) 3、有起动、停止控制键。(选作) 4、有流动闪亮效果选择设置键。(选作) 5、对所编写的电路进行编译及正确的仿真。-1, designed to bring eight LED light tube light, and in accordance with the requirements of the light-emit
- 载入一段语音信号进行分析 进行 PCM 编码和译码,并回放该信号-Loading a voice signal analysis Conduct PCM encoding and decoding, and playback of the signal
- 将 PCM 编码后的录音经过 16QAM 系统,试听不同信噪比下的录音-The recording PCM encoded through 16QAM system, listen to the recording of different SNR
- 给定一个信号 a)画出低通信号的波形; b)画出抽样速率为 fs为 4HZ 的抽样序列 c)从抽样序列中恢复出原始信号 当抽样速率为 fs 1.5HZ ,画出恢复后的波形。 当抽样速率为 fs 1.5HZ ,画出恢复后的波形。-Given a signal a) Draw a low pass signal waveform b) Draw the sampling rate fs is sampling sequence 4HZ
- a)设二进制序列为 1011010010,矩形脉冲,分别画出相应的单极性不归零、 双极性不归零、单极性归零、双极性归零波形。 b)画出 2ASK 2PSK 2FSK 波形-a) set a binary sequence 1011010010, rectangular pulse, respectively, draw the corresponding NRZ unipolar, bipolar not zero, zero unipolar, bipolar zero wavefo