- 本文所介绍的数控直流稳压电源与传统的稳压电源相比,具有操作方便,电压稳定度高的特点,-Described in this article CNC DC Power Supply with the traditional regulated power supply, compared with convenient operation, high voltage stability characteristics,
- 汇集了几乎所有的排序算法,内涵代码和设计思想,想必可以在编程中得到巨大的帮助-Brought together almost all the sorting algorithm, meaning the code and design ideas, must be able to get great programming help
- 1.基于EZW的图像编码改进算法 2.基于EZW的嵌入式图像编码算法的研究 3.改进的嵌入小波算法在遥感图像压缩中的应用-1. EZW-based image coding to improve the algorithm 2. EZW-based embedded image coding algorithm 3. Improved embedded wavelet image compression algorithms in remote sensing application
- 三维绘图中使用skybox方法绘制天空的详细说明。-Three-dimensional mapping method of mapping the use of Skybox detailed descr iption of the sky.
- 软件文档管理指南是从事软件开发和管理人员进行技术文档管理的手册性文件-Document Management Software Guide is to engage in software development and management of technical document management manual document
- 关于协议分析的一些好的资料。随着计算机和通信技术的飞速发展,网络管理技术已成为重要的前言技术。 目前还没有对网络管理的精确定义。例如,对公用交换网,网络管理通常指实时网络监控,以便在不利的条件下(如过载、故障)使网络的性能仍能达到最佳。-On the protocol analysis of some good information. With computers and the rapid development of communication technologies, network
- 对 学习sqlserver 2005的 朋友尤其朝鲜族朋友 很有用的-Sqlserver 2005 on learning Korean friend of a friend in particular, very useful
- 对sqlserver2005 的对开发者方面的 说明书对 写sql 等方面会有很大的提高-Of sqlserver2005 aspects of the specification developers to write sql and so on will be greatly improved
- sql server2000的 说明书 跟之前发的2005 比较着看会有很大的提高-sql server2000 with the specification issued prior to 2005 compared to see there will be a greatly improved
- ANSI标准的微机保护代码定义,有了它,就可以知道67代表的是过电流,尤其是进口设备,就不犯愁了-ANSI standard definition of microprocessor-based protection code, with it, you can know that 67 represents the over-current, especially imported equipment and not worry a
- 103规约文本,WORD格式的,可是也不要乱改啊.主要是可以自己编辑后打印,减少纸用量,保护环境,功德无量啊!-103 Statute of the text, WORD format, but also not to change ah. Mainly be editing their own printing, reducing paper consumption, environmental protection, infinite good ah!
- AVR ISP下载电缆的使用方式,看了就知道如何使用AVR的下载电缆编程了,实用性很好的-AVR ISP cable used to download, read on to know how to use the AVR download cable programming, the usefulness of good