- Markov Model presentation
- SVC video presentation
- this a source code for extracting the video frames from a sample video / step by step matlab code has been described- this is a source code for extracting the video frames from a sample video / step by step matlab code has been described
- Fuzzy Logic Unmanned Air Vehicle Motion Planning
- 12X10 english font library in c
- Development Research on LEACH protocol
- 3DVar-Based Ensemble–Variational Hybrid Data Assimilation for NCEP 基于三维变分和集合方法的耦合研究 -GSI 3DVar-Based Ensemble–Variational Hybrid Data Assimilation for NCEP
- 安卓安全机制,so注入和加壳技术简介,dex注入和加壳技术简介-Android security mechanisms, so injection and packers technical brief, dex injection and packers Technology Overview
- 网页视频播放代码,包括avi格式,wmv格式视频的解析和播放-Web video player code, including avi format, wmv format video parsing and playback
- Document describing the steps in an EMV (Chip & Pin) credit card transaction
A stochastic, contingency-based security-constrained optimal power flow for the procurement of energy and distributed re
- It is widely agreed that optimal procurement of reserves,with explicit consideration of systemcontingencies, can improve reliability and economic efficiency in power systems.With increasing penetration of uncertain generation resources, this optimal
Optimal stochastic reactive power scheduling in a microgrid considering voltage droop scheme of DGs and uncertainty of w
- Distributed Generators (DGs) in a microgrid may operate in three different reactive power control strategies, including PV, PQ and voltage droop schemes. This paper proposes a new stochastic programming approach for reactive power scheduling of a mic