- 该文章是中国地质大学地球物理与空间信息学院王家映教授地球物理资料非线性反演方法讲座的一部分:模拟退火法-This articles is China university of geosciences school of geophysics and space information jia-ying wang, a professor at the geophysical data nonlinear inversion method, part of the lecture:Simulat
- 该文章是中国地质大学地球物理与空间信息学院王家映教授地球物理资料非线性反演方法讲座的一部分:蒙特卡洛法-This articles is China university of geosciences school of geophysics and space information jia-ying wang, a professor at the geophysical data nonlinear inversion method, part of the lecture:Monte C
- 该文章是中国地质大学地球物理与空间信息学院王家映教授地球物理资料非线性反演方法讲座的一部分:地球物理反演问题综述-This articles is China university of geosciences school of geophysics and space information jia-ying wang, a professor at the geophysical data nonlinear inversion method, part of the lecture:In
- 这是学生在学习阶段学习zigbee与蓝牙的重要性的对比-This is a contrast with the students to learn the importance of zigbee Bluetooth in the learning stage
- OPTICAL BEAM PROPAGATION IN NONLINEAR MEDIA. Very Good, clear document for understanding.
- 有关神经网络处理荧光光谱的文献资料20篇,来源于中国知网。-There are 20 literatures on the fluorescence spectra of the neural network.
- 本文主要介绍的是机器学习的挑战,并介绍了微软的Azure(机器学习云服务)。-This paper describes the challenges of machine learning, and describes the Microsoft azure (machine learning cloud services)
- Designing a System-on-Chip (SoC) with an ARM® Cortex® -M-Designing a System-on-Chip (SoC) with an ARM® Cortex® -M
- 文章介绍了其中详细的功能,适合新手使用-just for reforence only
- Evaluation of Satellite Retri s of Chlorophyll-a in the Arabian Gulf
- Functions for augmenting data with historical controls using the Bayesian discount prior function for 1 arm and 2 arm clinical trials.-Functions for augmenting data with historical controls using the Bayesian discount prior function for 1 arm and 2 a
- Version 0.99-0 of the proftools package for analyzing and visualizing R profiling data has been uploaded to CRAN. This is a major update that adds new summary functions, new and improved visualizations, and tools for subsetting and filtering pr