- 标签属性:
- 上传时间:2012-11-16
提 供 者:
Ø 每一个进程用一个进程控制块PCB表示。PCB包含信息有:进程名name,进程号id,进程状态state,进程所需运行时间need_time,进程运行时间run_time。
Ø 进程所需的运行时间人为指定。进程运行时间以时间片为单位进行计算。(程序中以按任意键表示运行一次CPU时间片)
Ø 每个进程的状态有就绪W,运行R,和完成F(撤销进程)。
Ø 就绪的进程获得CPU后只能运行一个时间片,运行完运行时间run_time+1。
Ø 如果运行一个时间片后,进程的run_time等于need_time(即已经达到所需运行时间),则撤销该进程并提示,如果还未达到,则将其放到队尾,进入就绪状态等待下一次时间片分配。每一次调度程序都打印一次运行情况,包括:运行的进程,就绪队列的进程,已经所有进程的PCB(不包括已经撤销的进程)。
-The N processes concurrent process scheduler design a round-robin algorithm.
Ø a process with a process control block PCB. The PCB contains information: the process name name, process ID id, process status "state" process required running time need_time process run time run_time.
Ø process required for the running time of artificially specified. Process run time to the time slice as a unit to be calculated. Running a CPU time slice to press any key (program)
Ready W, Ø the status of each process running R, and completion of the F (revoked process).
The Ø -ready process to get CPU can run only one time slice, after running running time run_time+1.
Ø If you run a time slice is equal need_time run_time process (that has reached the required run-time), the revocation of the process and prompts If you have not yet reached, then put it to the end of the queue to enter the ready state waiting for the next time slice allocation. Every scheduler
Ø 每一个进程用一个进程控制块PCB表示。PCB包含信息有:进程名name,进程号id,进程状态state,进程所需运行时间need_time,进程运行时间run_time。
Ø 进程所需的运行时间人为指定。进程运行时间以时间片为单位进行计算。(程序中以按任意键表示运行一次CPU时间片)
Ø 每个进程的状态有就绪W,运行R,和完成F(撤销进程)。
Ø 就绪的进程获得CPU后只能运行一个时间片,运行完运行时间run_time+1。
Ø 如果运行一个时间片后,进程的run_time等于need_time(即已经达到所需运行时间),则撤销该进程并提示,如果还未达到,则将其放到队尾,进入就绪状态等待下一次时间片分配。每一次调度程序都打印一次运行情况,包括:运行的进程,就绪队列的进程,已经所有进程的PCB(不包括已经撤销的进程)。
-The N processes concurrent process scheduler design a round-robin algorithm.
Ø a process with a process control block PCB. The PCB contains information: the process name name, process ID id, process status "state" process required running time need_time process run time run_time.
Ø process required for the running time of artificially specified. Process run time to the time slice as a unit to be calculated. Running a CPU time slice to press any key (program)
Ready W, Ø the status of each process running R, and completion of the F (revoked process).
The Ø -ready process to get CPU can run only one time slice, after running running time run_time+1.
Ø If you run a time slice is equal need_time run_time process (that has reached the required run-time), the revocation of the process and prompts If you have not yet reached, then put it to the end of the queue to enter the ready state waiting for the next time slice allocation. Every scheduler
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