现在假设我们想要获得多个订阅者的返回值,以List<string>的形式返回,该如何做呢?我们应该记得委托定义在编译时会生成一个继承自MulticastDelegate的类,而这个MulticastDelegate又继承自Delegate,在Delegate内部,维护了一个委托链表,链表上的每一个元素,为一个只包含一个目标方法的委托对象。而通过Delegate基类的GetInvocationList()静态方法,可以获得这个委托链表。随后我们遍历这个链表,通过链表中的每个委托对象来调用方法,这样就可以分别获得每个方法的返回值:-Now suppose that we want to get more subscribers to return value to List <string> In the form of return, and how to do it? We should remember commissioned generate a inheritance since the MulticastDelegate the class is defined at compile time, the MulticastDelegate inherited from Delegate, Delegate internal, maintaining a delegate list, each element of the list, on the, contains only one target for a The delegate object. By Delegate base class GetInvocationList () static method, you can get the delegate list. Then we traverse the linked list, call the method by each delegate object in the linked list, so that you can get the return value of each method:
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