本设计是一个基于AT89C51系列单片机的音乐盒,依据单片机技术原理,通过硬件电路制作以及软件编译,设计制作出一个多功能多功能音乐盒。该音乐盒主要由按键电路、复位电路、时钟电路以及蜂鸣器组成。使用两个按键控制音乐盒,一个用来切换歌曲,另一个用来切换8路LED的变化花样,本音乐盒共有两首歌曲,花样灯花样共计3种。播放歌曲时,蜂鸣器发出某个音调,与之对应的LED亮起。-This design is a based on AT89C51 single-chip microcomputer series of music boxes, according to the principle of single-chip computer technology, through the hardware circuits and software compilation, designed to produce a multi-functional multi-purpose music box. This music box is mainly composed of key circuit, reset circuit, clock circuit and a buzzer. Use two buttons control the music box, a switch used to song, another to switch 8 LED to changes in the pattern, the music box has two songs, light pattern for a total of three kinds of designs. Play songs, the buzzer sends out a tone, and the corresponding LED lights up.
Music box designed based on MSC-51.txt
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