“LED手摇荧光棒”,俗称“摇摇棒”,是基于人的视觉暂留原理的,通过分时刷新16个发光二极管来显示输出文字或图案等信息的显示装置。输出信号频率的控制通过单片机来实现,用摇动传感器检测当前摇动状态。当进行摇动时,由于人的视觉暂留原理,会在发光二极管摇动区域产生一个视觉平面,在视觉平面内的二极管通过不同频率的刷新,会在摇动区域内产生图像,从而达到在该视觉平面上传达信息的作用。-As people material standard of living rise, people pursuit to cultural life also becomes strong, the desire of information have become the people of the essential needs, more forthright and novel the information transfer mode will undoubtedly bring people to find everything new and fresh feeling. And modern tools to the simple, portable, therefore, shaking the display device, the arrival of will give people brings a kind of new convenient cultural transfer mode.
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