Descr iption: This demo connects two MSP430 s via the I2C bus. The master
// transmits to the slave. This is the master code. It continuously
// transmits 00h, 01h, ..., 0ffh and demonstrates how to implement an I2C
// master transmitter sending a single byte using the USCI_B0 TX interrupt.
// ACLK = n/a, MCLK = SMCLK = BRCLK = default DCO = ~1.2MHz-Descr iption: This demo connects two MSP430 s via the I2C bus. The master
// transmits to the slave. This is the master code. It continuously
// transmits 00h, 01h, ..., 0ffh and demonstrates how to implement an I2C
// master transmitter sending a single byte using the USCI_B0 TX interrupt.
// ACLK = n/a, MCLK = SMCLK = BRCLK = default DCO = ~1.2MHz
// transmits to the slave. This is the master code. It continuously
// transmits 00h, 01h, ..., 0ffh and demonstrates how to implement an I2C
// master transmitter sending a single byte using the USCI_B0 TX interrupt.
// ACLK = n/a, MCLK = SMCLK = BRCLK = default DCO = ~1.2MHz-Descr iption: This demo connects two MSP430 s via the I2C bus. The master
// transmits to the slave. This is the master code. It continuously
// transmits 00h, 01h, ..., 0ffh and demonstrates how to implement an I2C
// master transmitter sending a single byte using the USCI_B0 TX interrupt.
// ACLK = n/a, MCLK = SMCLK = BRCLK = default DCO = ~1.2MHz
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