- 标签属性:
- 上传时间:2014-05-10
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随着各类灾害越来越频繁的发生,如何对应急管理中的若干问题利用科学和系统的方法进行有效的研究成为热点问题。应急资源的布局问题是应急管理系统中的一个关键决策问题,主要包括资源的选址和配置两个部分。它影响到灾害发生时物资调度系统的快速执行与高效实施,对于减轻灾害发生的影响起到非常的关键作用。本算法以地震为背景,研究应急救生资源布局问题,其目标是将应急资源的地址合理规划,并在每一个地址上配置相应数量的资源,使地震灾害发生时使得资源的工作效率最大化。-With more and more frequent occurrence of various types of disasters, emergency management how to use a number of issues in scientific and systematic method of effective research has become a hot issue. Emergency resources layout problem is an emergency management system is a key decision-making problems, including the location and configuration of the two main parts of the resource. It affects the rapid execution and efficient implementation of disaster supplies when scheduling system, to alleviate the impact of disasters play a very crucial role. The algorithm earthquake background, layout issues emergency rescue resources, and its goal is to address the rational planning of emergency resources and configure the appropriate amount of resources at each address, so when the earthquake occurred so that the efficiency of resource maximization.
emergency supplies and distribution.m
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