基于STM32,通过ucosII实现键盘扫描功能。完整的project程序。在keil平台下运行,直接打开文件目录下user中的project文件即可。-Based STM32, to achieve the keyboard scanning functionality through ucosII. Complete project process. In keil platforms, open the file directly in the project directory under the user files.
UCOS-II - 键盘扫描/
UCOS-II - 键盘扫描/CMSIS/core_cm3.c
UCOS-II - 键盘扫描/CMSIS/core_cm3.h
UCOS-II - 键盘扫描/CMSIS/starup/
UCOS-II - 键盘扫描/CMSIS/starup/startup_stm32f10x_hd.s
UCOS-II - 键盘扫描/CMSIS/stm32f10x.h
UCOS-II - 键盘扫描/CMSIS/system_stm32f10x.c
UCOS-II - 键盘扫描/CMSIS/system_stm32f10x.h
UCOS-II - 键盘扫描/FWLib/
UCOS-II - 键盘扫描/FWLib/inc/
UCOS-II - 键盘扫描/FWLib/inc/misc.h
UCOS-II - 键盘扫描/FWLib/inc/stm32f10x_adc.h
UCOS-II - 键盘扫描/FWLib/inc/stm32f10x_bkp.h
UCOS-II - 键盘扫描/FWLib/inc/stm32f10x_can.h
UCOS-II - 键盘扫描/FWLib/inc/stm32f10x_cec.h
UCOS-II - 键盘扫描/FWLib/inc/stm32f10x_crc.h
UCOS-II - 键盘扫描/FWLib/inc/stm32f10x_dac.h
UCOS-II - 键盘扫描/FWLib/inc/stm32f10x_dbgmcu.h
UCOS-II - 键盘扫描/FWLib/inc/stm32f10x_dma.h
UCOS-II - 键盘扫描/FWLib/inc/stm32f10x_exti.h
UCOS-II - 键盘扫描/FWLib/inc/stm32f10x_flash.h
UCOS-II - 键盘扫描/FWLib/inc/stm32f10x_fsmc.h
UCOS-II - 键盘扫描/FWLib/inc/stm32f10x_gpio.h
UCOS-II - 键盘扫描/FWLib/inc/stm32f10x_i2c.h
UCOS-II - 键盘扫描/FWLib/inc/stm32f10x_iwdg.h
UCOS-II - 键盘扫描/FWLib/inc/stm32f10x_pwr.h
UCOS-II - 键盘扫描/FWLib/inc/stm32f10x_rcc.h
UCOS-II - 键盘扫描/FWLib/inc/stm32f10x_rtc.h
UCOS-II - 键盘扫描/FWLib/inc/stm32f10x_sdio.h
UCOS-II - 键盘扫描/FWLib/inc/stm32f10x_spi.h
UCOS-II - 键盘扫描/FWLib/inc/stm32f10x_tim.h
UCOS-II - 键盘扫描/FWLib/inc/stm32f10x_usart.h
UCOS-II - 键盘扫描/FWLib/inc/stm32f10x_wwdg.h
UCOS-II - 键盘扫描/FWLib/src/
UCOS-II - 键盘扫描/FWLib/src/misc.c
UCOS-II - 键盘扫描/FWLib/src/stm32f10x_adc.c
UCOS-II - 键盘扫描/FWLib/src/stm32f10x_bkp.c
UCOS-II - 键盘扫描/FWLib/src/stm32f10x_can.c
UCOS-II - 键盘扫描/FWLib/src/stm32f10x_cec.c
UCOS-II - 键盘扫描/FWLib/src/stm32f10x_crc.c
UCOS-II - 键盘扫描/FWLib/src/stm32f10x_dac.c
UCOS-II - 键盘扫描/FWLib/src/stm32f10x_dbgmcu.c
UCOS-II - 键盘扫描/FWLib/src/stm32f10x_dma.c
UCOS-II - 键盘扫描/FWLib/src/stm32f10x_exti.c
UCOS-II - 键盘扫描/FWLib/src/stm32f10x_flash.c
UCOS-II - 键盘扫描/FWLib/src/stm32f10x_fsmc.c
UCOS-II - 键盘扫描/FWLib/src/stm32f10x_gpio.c
UCOS-II - 键盘扫描/FWLib/src/stm32f10x_i2c.c
UCOS-II - 键盘扫描/FWLib/src/stm32f10x_iwdg.c
UCOS-II - 键盘扫描/FWLib/src/stm32f10x_pwr.c
UCOS-II - 键盘扫描/FWLib/src/stm32f10x_rcc.c
UCOS-II - 键盘扫描/FWLib/src/stm32f10x_rtc.c
UCOS-II - 键盘扫描/FWLib/src/stm32f10x_sdio.c
UCOS-II - 键盘扫描/FWLib/src/stm32f10x_spi.c
UCOS-II - 键盘扫描/FWLib/src/stm32f10x_tim.c
UCOS-II - 键盘扫描/FWLib/src/stm32f10x_usart.c
UCOS-II - 键盘扫描/FWLib/src/stm32f10x_wwdg.c
UCOS-II - 键盘扫描/Listing/
UCOS-II - 键盘扫描/Output/
UCOS-II - 键盘扫描/UCOSII/CONFIG/includes.h
UCOS-II - 键盘扫描/UCOSII/CONFIG/os_cfg.h
UCOS-II - 键盘扫描/UCOSII/CORE/os_core.c
UCOS-II - 键盘扫描/UCOSII/CORE/os_flag.c
UCOS-II - 键盘扫描/UCOSII/CORE/os_mbox.c
UCOS-II - 键盘扫描/UCOSII/CORE/os_mem.c
UCOS-II - 键盘扫描/UCOSII/CORE/os_mutex.c
UCOS-II - 键盘扫描/UCOSII/CORE/os_q.c
UCOS-II - 键盘扫描/UCOSII/CORE/os_sem.c
UCOS-II - 键盘扫描/UCOSII/CORE/os_task.c
UCOS-II - 键盘扫描/UCOSII/CORE/os_time.c
UCOS-II - 键盘扫描/UCOSII/CORE/os_tmr.c
UCOS-II - 键盘扫描/UCOSII/CORE/ucos_ii.c
UCOS-II - 键盘扫描/UCOSII/CORE/ucos_ii.h
UCOS-II - 键盘扫描/UCOSII/PORT/os_cpu.h
UCOS-II - 键盘扫描/UCOSII/PORT/os_cpu_a.asm
UCOS-II - 键盘扫描/UCOSII/PORT/os_cpu_c.c
UCOS-II - 键盘扫描/UCOSII/PORT/os_dbg.c
UCOS-II - 键盘扫描/UCOSII/PORT/os_dbg_r.c
UCOS-II - 键盘扫描/USER/
UCOS-II - 键盘扫描/USER/JLink Regs CM3.txt
UCOS-II - 键盘扫描/USER/JLinkLog.txt
UCOS-II - 键盘扫描/USER/JLinkSettings.ini
UCOS-II - 键盘扫描/USER/Systick.c
UCOS-II - 键盘扫描/USER/Systick.h
UCOS-II - 键盘扫描/USER/key.c
UCOS-II - 键盘扫描/USER/key.h
UCOS-II - 键盘扫描/USER/main.c
UCOS-II - 键盘扫描/USER/os_cpu_a.lst
UCOS-II - 键盘扫描/USER/startup_stm32f10x_hd.lst
UCOS-II - 键盘扫描/USER/stm32f10x_conf.h
UCOS-II - 键盘扫描/USER/stm32f10x_it.c
UCOS-II - 键盘扫描/USER/stm32f10x_it.h
UCOS-II - 键盘扫描/USER/ucosii.map
UCOS-II - 键盘扫描/USER/ucosii.plg
UCOS-II - 键盘扫描/USER/ucosii.uvopt
UCOS-II - 键盘扫描/USER/ucosii.uvproj
UCOS-II - 键盘扫描/USER/ucosii_Target 1.dep
UCOS-II - 键盘扫描/USER/ucosii_uvopt.bak
UCOS-II - 键盘扫描/USER/ucosii_uvproj.bak
UCOS-II - 键盘扫描/bsp_led.crf
UCOS-II - 键盘扫描/bsp_led.d
UCOS-II - 键盘扫描/bsp_led.o
UCOS-II - 键盘扫描/core_cm3.crf
UCOS-II - 键盘扫描/core_cm3.d
UCOS-II - 键盘扫描/core_cm3.o
UCOS-II - 键盘扫描/key.__i
UCOS-II - 键盘扫描/key.crf
UCOS-II - 键盘扫描/key.d
UCOS-II - 键盘扫描/key.o
UCOS-II - 键盘扫描/led.crf
UCOS-II - 键盘扫描/led.d
UCOS-II - 键盘扫描/led.o
UCOS-II - 键盘扫描/main.__i
UCOS-II - 键盘扫描/main.crf
UCOS-II - 键盘扫描/main.d
UCOS-II - 键盘扫描/main.o
UCOS-II - 键盘扫描/misc.crf
UCOS-II - 键盘扫描/misc.d
UCOS-II - 键盘扫描/misc.o
UCOS-II - 键盘扫描/os_core.crf
UCOS-II - 键盘扫描/os_core.d
UCOS-II - 键盘扫描/os_core.o
UCOS-II - 键盘扫描/os_cpu_a.d
UCOS-II - 键盘扫描/os_cpu_a.o
UCOS-II - 键盘扫描/os_cpu_c.crf
UCOS-II - 键盘扫描/os_cpu_c.d
UCOS-II - 键盘扫描/os_cpu_c.o
UCOS-II - 键盘扫描/os_dbg.crf
UCOS-II - 键盘扫描/os_dbg.d
UCOS-II - 键盘扫描/os_dbg.o
UCOS-II - 键盘扫描/os_dbg_r.__i
UCOS-II - 键盘扫描/os_dbg_r.crf
UCOS-II - 键盘扫描/os_dbg_r.d
UCOS-II - 键盘扫描/os_dbg_r.o
UCOS-II - 键盘扫描/os_flag.crf
UCOS-II - 键盘扫描/os_flag.d
UCOS-II - 键盘扫描/os_flag.o
UCOS-II - 键盘扫描/os_mbox.crf
UCOS-II - 键盘扫描/os_mbox.d
UCOS-II - 键盘扫描/os_mbox.o
UCOS-II - 键盘扫描/os_mem.crf
UCOS-II - 键盘扫描/os_mem.d
UCOS-II - 键盘扫描/os_mem.o
UCOS-II - 键盘扫描/os_mutex.crf
UCOS-II - 键盘扫描/os_mutex.d
UCOS-II - 键盘扫描/os_mutex.o
UCOS-II - 键盘扫描/os_q.crf
UCOS-II - 键盘扫描/os_q.d
UCOS-II - 键盘扫描/os_q.o
UCOS-II - 键盘扫描/CMSIS/core_cm3.c
UCOS-II - 键盘扫描/CMSIS/core_cm3.h
UCOS-II - 键盘扫描/CMSIS/starup/
UCOS-II - 键盘扫描/CMSIS/starup/startup_stm32f10x_hd.s
UCOS-II - 键盘扫描/CMSIS/stm32f10x.h
UCOS-II - 键盘扫描/CMSIS/system_stm32f10x.c
UCOS-II - 键盘扫描/CMSIS/system_stm32f10x.h
UCOS-II - 键盘扫描/FWLib/
UCOS-II - 键盘扫描/FWLib/inc/
UCOS-II - 键盘扫描/FWLib/inc/misc.h
UCOS-II - 键盘扫描/FWLib/inc/stm32f10x_adc.h
UCOS-II - 键盘扫描/FWLib/inc/stm32f10x_bkp.h
UCOS-II - 键盘扫描/FWLib/inc/stm32f10x_can.h
UCOS-II - 键盘扫描/FWLib/inc/stm32f10x_cec.h
UCOS-II - 键盘扫描/FWLib/inc/stm32f10x_crc.h
UCOS-II - 键盘扫描/FWLib/inc/stm32f10x_dac.h
UCOS-II - 键盘扫描/FWLib/inc/stm32f10x_dbgmcu.h
UCOS-II - 键盘扫描/FWLib/inc/stm32f10x_dma.h
UCOS-II - 键盘扫描/FWLib/inc/stm32f10x_exti.h
UCOS-II - 键盘扫描/FWLib/inc/stm32f10x_flash.h
UCOS-II - 键盘扫描/FWLib/inc/stm32f10x_fsmc.h
UCOS-II - 键盘扫描/FWLib/inc/stm32f10x_gpio.h
UCOS-II - 键盘扫描/FWLib/inc/stm32f10x_i2c.h
UCOS-II - 键盘扫描/FWLib/inc/stm32f10x_iwdg.h
UCOS-II - 键盘扫描/FWLib/inc/stm32f10x_pwr.h
UCOS-II - 键盘扫描/FWLib/inc/stm32f10x_rcc.h
UCOS-II - 键盘扫描/FWLib/inc/stm32f10x_rtc.h
UCOS-II - 键盘扫描/FWLib/inc/stm32f10x_sdio.h
UCOS-II - 键盘扫描/FWLib/inc/stm32f10x_spi.h
UCOS-II - 键盘扫描/FWLib/inc/stm32f10x_tim.h
UCOS-II - 键盘扫描/FWLib/inc/stm32f10x_usart.h
UCOS-II - 键盘扫描/FWLib/inc/stm32f10x_wwdg.h
UCOS-II - 键盘扫描/FWLib/src/
UCOS-II - 键盘扫描/FWLib/src/misc.c
UCOS-II - 键盘扫描/FWLib/src/stm32f10x_adc.c
UCOS-II - 键盘扫描/FWLib/src/stm32f10x_bkp.c
UCOS-II - 键盘扫描/FWLib/src/stm32f10x_can.c
UCOS-II - 键盘扫描/FWLib/src/stm32f10x_cec.c
UCOS-II - 键盘扫描/FWLib/src/stm32f10x_crc.c
UCOS-II - 键盘扫描/FWLib/src/stm32f10x_dac.c
UCOS-II - 键盘扫描/FWLib/src/stm32f10x_dbgmcu.c
UCOS-II - 键盘扫描/FWLib/src/stm32f10x_dma.c
UCOS-II - 键盘扫描/FWLib/src/stm32f10x_exti.c
UCOS-II - 键盘扫描/FWLib/src/stm32f10x_flash.c
UCOS-II - 键盘扫描/FWLib/src/stm32f10x_fsmc.c
UCOS-II - 键盘扫描/FWLib/src/stm32f10x_gpio.c
UCOS-II - 键盘扫描/FWLib/src/stm32f10x_i2c.c
UCOS-II - 键盘扫描/FWLib/src/stm32f10x_iwdg.c
UCOS-II - 键盘扫描/FWLib/src/stm32f10x_pwr.c
UCOS-II - 键盘扫描/FWLib/src/stm32f10x_rcc.c
UCOS-II - 键盘扫描/FWLib/src/stm32f10x_rtc.c
UCOS-II - 键盘扫描/FWLib/src/stm32f10x_sdio.c
UCOS-II - 键盘扫描/FWLib/src/stm32f10x_spi.c
UCOS-II - 键盘扫描/FWLib/src/stm32f10x_tim.c
UCOS-II - 键盘扫描/FWLib/src/stm32f10x_usart.c
UCOS-II - 键盘扫描/FWLib/src/stm32f10x_wwdg.c
UCOS-II - 键盘扫描/Listing/
UCOS-II - 键盘扫描/Output/
UCOS-II - 键盘扫描/UCOSII/CONFIG/includes.h
UCOS-II - 键盘扫描/UCOSII/CONFIG/os_cfg.h
UCOS-II - 键盘扫描/UCOSII/CORE/os_core.c
UCOS-II - 键盘扫描/UCOSII/CORE/os_flag.c
UCOS-II - 键盘扫描/UCOSII/CORE/os_mbox.c
UCOS-II - 键盘扫描/UCOSII/CORE/os_mem.c
UCOS-II - 键盘扫描/UCOSII/CORE/os_mutex.c
UCOS-II - 键盘扫描/UCOSII/CORE/os_q.c
UCOS-II - 键盘扫描/UCOSII/CORE/os_sem.c
UCOS-II - 键盘扫描/UCOSII/CORE/os_task.c
UCOS-II - 键盘扫描/UCOSII/CORE/os_time.c
UCOS-II - 键盘扫描/UCOSII/CORE/os_tmr.c
UCOS-II - 键盘扫描/UCOSII/CORE/ucos_ii.c
UCOS-II - 键盘扫描/UCOSII/CORE/ucos_ii.h
UCOS-II - 键盘扫描/UCOSII/PORT/os_cpu.h
UCOS-II - 键盘扫描/UCOSII/PORT/os_cpu_a.asm
UCOS-II - 键盘扫描/UCOSII/PORT/os_cpu_c.c
UCOS-II - 键盘扫描/UCOSII/PORT/os_dbg.c
UCOS-II - 键盘扫描/UCOSII/PORT/os_dbg_r.c
UCOS-II - 键盘扫描/USER/
UCOS-II - 键盘扫描/USER/JLink Regs CM3.txt
UCOS-II - 键盘扫描/USER/JLinkLog.txt
UCOS-II - 键盘扫描/USER/JLinkSettings.ini
UCOS-II - 键盘扫描/USER/Systick.c
UCOS-II - 键盘扫描/USER/Systick.h
UCOS-II - 键盘扫描/USER/key.c
UCOS-II - 键盘扫描/USER/key.h
UCOS-II - 键盘扫描/USER/main.c
UCOS-II - 键盘扫描/USER/os_cpu_a.lst
UCOS-II - 键盘扫描/USER/startup_stm32f10x_hd.lst
UCOS-II - 键盘扫描/USER/stm32f10x_conf.h
UCOS-II - 键盘扫描/USER/stm32f10x_it.c
UCOS-II - 键盘扫描/USER/stm32f10x_it.h
UCOS-II - 键盘扫描/USER/ucosii.map
UCOS-II - 键盘扫描/USER/ucosii.plg
UCOS-II - 键盘扫描/USER/ucosii.uvopt
UCOS-II - 键盘扫描/USER/ucosii.uvproj
UCOS-II - 键盘扫描/USER/ucosii_Target 1.dep
UCOS-II - 键盘扫描/USER/ucosii_uvopt.bak
UCOS-II - 键盘扫描/USER/ucosii_uvproj.bak
UCOS-II - 键盘扫描/bsp_led.crf
UCOS-II - 键盘扫描/bsp_led.d
UCOS-II - 键盘扫描/bsp_led.o
UCOS-II - 键盘扫描/core_cm3.crf
UCOS-II - 键盘扫描/core_cm3.d
UCOS-II - 键盘扫描/core_cm3.o
UCOS-II - 键盘扫描/key.__i
UCOS-II - 键盘扫描/key.crf
UCOS-II - 键盘扫描/key.d
UCOS-II - 键盘扫描/key.o
UCOS-II - 键盘扫描/led.crf
UCOS-II - 键盘扫描/led.d
UCOS-II - 键盘扫描/led.o
UCOS-II - 键盘扫描/main.__i
UCOS-II - 键盘扫描/main.crf
UCOS-II - 键盘扫描/main.d
UCOS-II - 键盘扫描/main.o
UCOS-II - 键盘扫描/misc.crf
UCOS-II - 键盘扫描/misc.d
UCOS-II - 键盘扫描/misc.o
UCOS-II - 键盘扫描/os_core.crf
UCOS-II - 键盘扫描/os_core.d
UCOS-II - 键盘扫描/os_core.o
UCOS-II - 键盘扫描/os_cpu_a.d
UCOS-II - 键盘扫描/os_cpu_a.o
UCOS-II - 键盘扫描/os_cpu_c.crf
UCOS-II - 键盘扫描/os_cpu_c.d
UCOS-II - 键盘扫描/os_cpu_c.o
UCOS-II - 键盘扫描/os_dbg.crf
UCOS-II - 键盘扫描/os_dbg.d
UCOS-II - 键盘扫描/os_dbg.o
UCOS-II - 键盘扫描/os_dbg_r.__i
UCOS-II - 键盘扫描/os_dbg_r.crf
UCOS-II - 键盘扫描/os_dbg_r.d
UCOS-II - 键盘扫描/os_dbg_r.o
UCOS-II - 键盘扫描/os_flag.crf
UCOS-II - 键盘扫描/os_flag.d
UCOS-II - 键盘扫描/os_flag.o
UCOS-II - 键盘扫描/os_mbox.crf
UCOS-II - 键盘扫描/os_mbox.d
UCOS-II - 键盘扫描/os_mbox.o
UCOS-II - 键盘扫描/os_mem.crf
UCOS-II - 键盘扫描/os_mem.d
UCOS-II - 键盘扫描/os_mem.o
UCOS-II - 键盘扫描/os_mutex.crf
UCOS-II - 键盘扫描/os_mutex.d
UCOS-II - 键盘扫描/os_mutex.o
UCOS-II - 键盘扫描/os_q.crf
UCOS-II - 键盘扫描/os_q.d
UCOS-II - 键盘扫描/os_q.o
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