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The receiver performance is quantified by depicting the receiver operating char- acteristics (ROC) curves. This curves serve as a tool to and study the performance of a sensing scheme. ROC graphs are employed to show trade-of vs between detection probability and false alarm rates, (i.e. PD versus PFA), thus allowing the determination of an optimal threshold. To illustrate the performance of energy detectors, we generate complementary ROC curves (the average probability of miss detection $ P_{md} 1 - P_d$ versus the false alarm probability $P_f$ for different receiver structures and in different fading environments.Fig. 1 illustrates the complementary ROC curves for a single channel reception (no diversity) over AWGN channels. This figure depicts the complementary ROC curves for energy detectors.
-The receiver performance is quantified by depicting the receiver operating char- acteristics (ROC) curves. This curves serve as a tool to and study the performance of a sensing scheme. ROC graphs are employed to show trade-of vs between detection probability and false alarm rates, (i.e. PD versus PFA), thus allowing the determination of an optimal threshold. To illustrate the performance of energy detectors, we generate complementary ROC curves (the average probability of miss detection $ P_{md} 1 - P_d$ versus the false alarm probability $P_f$ for different receiver structures and in different fading environments.Fig. 1 illustrates the complementary ROC curves for a single channel reception (no diversity) over AWGN channels. This figure depicts the complementary ROC curves for energy detectors.
-The receiver performance is quantified by depicting the receiver operating char- acteristics (ROC) curves. This curves serve as a tool to and study the performance of a sensing scheme. ROC graphs are employed to show trade-of vs between detection probability and false alarm rates, (i.e. PD versus PFA), thus allowing the determination of an optimal threshold. To illustrate the performance of energy detectors, we generate complementary ROC curves (the average probability of miss detection $ P_{md} 1 - P_d$ versus the false alarm probability $P_f$ for different receiver structures and in different fading environments.Fig. 1 illustrates the complementary ROC curves for a single channel reception (no diversity) over AWGN channels. This figure depicts the complementary ROC curves for energy detectors.