- 标签属性:
- 上传时间:2014-11-21
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已知一个带有表头结点的单链表,结点结构为 ,假设该链表只给出了头指针list。在不改变链表的前提下,请设计一个尽可能高效的算法,查找链表中倒数第k个位置上的结点(k为正整数)。若查找成功,算法输出该结点的data域的值,并返回1;否则,只返回0。
-Given a single linked list with a header node, node structure, assuming that the list gives only the head pointer list. On the premise of not changing the list, please design a possible and efficient algorithm, the penultimate K position on the search list nodes (k is a positive integer). If the search is successful, the data domain algorithm for the output of the node values, and returns 1 otherwise, only to return 0.
-Given a single linked list with a header node, node structure, assuming that the list gives only the head pointer list. On the premise of not changing the list, please design a possible and efficient algorithm, the penultimate K position on the search list nodes (k is a positive integer). If the search is successful, the data domain algorithm for the output of the node values, and returns 1 otherwise, only to return 0.
Single linked list/
Single linked list/Single linked list.txt
Single linked list/Single linked list.txt