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FunKingdom Inc. is a software development company that specializes in creating computer games. In a survey, the company found that many potential consumers would like to play computer games based on cards.

In order to increase the customer base of the company, the development team has been assigned the task of developing a card-based game. The development team has thought of a game named QuickMatch.

Rules of QuickMatch

QuickMatch can be played as per the following rules:

   It is a multi-player game. There can be 2 to 4 players.

   Each player is given a set of five cards. The remaining cards are kept in a pile at the center.

   The player can either draw a card the pile of cards or pick a card, which is thrown by another player.

   The first player to collect five cards of the same suite wins the game.

   A sample screenshot of QuickMatch for two players is shown in the following figure.

-FunKingdom Inc. is a software development company that specializes in creating computer games. In a survey, the company found that many potential consumers would like to play computer games based on cards.

In order to increase the customer base of the company, the development team has been assigned the task of developing a card-based game. The development team has thought of a game named QuickMatch.

Rules of QuickMatch

QuickMatch can be played as per the following rules:

   It is a multi-player game. There can be 2 to 4 players.

   Each player is given a set of five cards. The remaining cards are kept in a pile at the center.

   The player can either draw a card the pile of cards or pick a card, which is thrown by another player.

   The first player to collect five cards of the same suite wins the game.

   A sample screenshot of QuickMatch for two players is shown in the following figure.



Quick Match/Quick Match.sln
Quick Match/Quick Match.suo
Quick Match/Quick Match.v11.suo
Quick Match/Quick Match/
Quick Match/Quick Match/bin/
Quick Match/Quick Match/bin/Debug/
Quick Match/Quick Match/bin/Debug/Quick Match.exe
Quick Match/Quick Match/bin/Debug/Quick Match.pdb
Quick Match/Quick Match/bin/Debug/Quick Match.vshost.exe
Quick Match/Quick Match/bin/Debug/Quick Match.vshost.exe.manifest
Quick Match/Quick Match/obj/
Quick Match/Quick Match/obj/x86/
Quick Match/Quick Match/obj/x86/Debug/
Quick Match/Quick Match/obj/x86/Debug/DesignTimeResolveAssemblyReferencesInput.cache
Quick Match/Quick Match/obj/x86/Debug/Quick Match.csproj.FileListAbsolute.txt
Quick Match/Quick Match/obj/x86/Debug/Quick Match.exe
Quick Match/Quick Match/obj/x86/Debug/Quick Match.pdb
Quick Match/Quick Match/obj/x86/Debug/TempPE/
Quick Match/Quick Match/playingGame.cs
Quick Match/Quick Match/Program.cs
Quick Match/Quick Match/Properties/
Quick Match/Quick Match/Properties/AssemblyInfo.cs
Quick Match/Quick Match/Quick Match.csproj


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