- 标签属性:
- 上传时间:2015-01-03
提 供 者:
the first file (Array made of double linked lists):
you have 2 arrays one of them is called (head) the other one is (tail), and each row is a double linked list, the user is asked to define the dimension of these arrays at fist, then he can do some operation like:
add an element to a defined row and colomn, delete an element a defined row and colomn, search for an element in a defined row, delete all element a defined row, add a bunch of elements to a new row.
-the first file (Array made of double linked lists):
you have 2 arrays one of them is called (head) the other one is (tail), and each row is a double linked list, the user is asked to define the dimension of these arrays at fist, then he can do some operation like:
add an element to a defined row and colomn, delete an element a defined row and colomn, search for an element in a defined row, delete all element a defined row, add a bunch of elements to a new row.
you have 2 arrays one of them is called (head) the other one is (tail), and each row is a double linked list, the user is asked to define the dimension of these arrays at fist, then he can do some operation like:
add an element to a defined row and colomn, delete an element a defined row and colomn, search for an element in a defined row, delete all element a defined row, add a bunch of elements to a new row.
-the first file (Array made of double linked lists):
you have 2 arrays one of them is called (head) the other one is (tail), and each row is a double linked list, the user is asked to define the dimension of these arrays at fist, then he can do some operation like:
add an element to a defined row and colomn, delete an element a defined row and colomn, search for an element in a defined row, delete all element a defined row, add a bunch of elements to a new row.
Array made of double linked lists/Debug/FirstQuestion.exe
Array made of double linked lists/Debug/FirstQuestion.ilk
Array made of double linked lists/Debug/FirstQuestion.pdb
Array made of double linked lists/FirstQuestion/Debug/DoubleLinkedList.obj
Array made of double linked lists/FirstQuestion/Debug/FirstQuestion.log
Array made of double linked lists/FirstQuestion/Debug/FirstQuestion.tlog/cl.command.1.tlog
Array made of double linked lists/FirstQuestion/Debug/FirstQuestion.tlog/CL.read.1.tlog
Array made of double linked lists/FirstQuestion/Debug/FirstQuestion.tlog/CL.write.1.tlog
Array made of double linked lists/FirstQuestion/Debug/FirstQuestion.tlog/FirstQuestion.lastbuildstate
Array made of double linked lists/FirstQuestion/Debug/FirstQuestion.tlog/link.command.1.tlog
Array made of double linked lists/FirstQuestion/Debug/FirstQuestion.tlog/link.read.1.tlog
Array made of double linked lists/FirstQuestion/Debug/FirstQuestion.tlog/link.write.1.tlog
Array made of double linked lists/FirstQuestion/Debug/Item.obj
Array made of double linked lists/FirstQuestion/Debug/main.obj
Array made of double linked lists/FirstQuestion/Debug/vc120.idb
Array made of double linked lists/FirstQuestion/Debug/vc120.pdb
Array made of double linked lists/FirstQuestion/DoubleLinkedList.cpp
Array made of double linked lists/FirstQuestion/DoubleLinkedList.h
Array made of double linked lists/FirstQuestion/FirstQuestion.vcxproj
Array made of double linked lists/FirstQuestion/FirstQuestion.vcxproj.filters
Array made of double linked lists/FirstQuestion/Item.cpp
Array made of double linked lists/FirstQuestion/Item.h
Array made of double linked lists/FirstQuestion/main.cpp
Array made of double linked lists/FirstQuestion.sdf
Array made of double linked lists/FirstQuestion.sln
Array made of double linked lists/FirstQuestion.v12.suo
Array made of double linked lists/FirstQuestion/Debug/FirstQuestion.tlog
Array made of double linked lists/FirstQuestion/Debug
Array made of double linked lists/Debug
Array made of double linked lists/FirstQuestion
Array made of double linked lists
Array made of double linked lists/Debug/FirstQuestion.ilk
Array made of double linked lists/Debug/FirstQuestion.pdb
Array made of double linked lists/FirstQuestion/Debug/DoubleLinkedList.obj
Array made of double linked lists/FirstQuestion/Debug/FirstQuestion.log
Array made of double linked lists/FirstQuestion/Debug/FirstQuestion.tlog/cl.command.1.tlog
Array made of double linked lists/FirstQuestion/Debug/FirstQuestion.tlog/CL.read.1.tlog
Array made of double linked lists/FirstQuestion/Debug/FirstQuestion.tlog/CL.write.1.tlog
Array made of double linked lists/FirstQuestion/Debug/FirstQuestion.tlog/FirstQuestion.lastbuildstate
Array made of double linked lists/FirstQuestion/Debug/FirstQuestion.tlog/link.command.1.tlog
Array made of double linked lists/FirstQuestion/Debug/FirstQuestion.tlog/link.read.1.tlog
Array made of double linked lists/FirstQuestion/Debug/FirstQuestion.tlog/link.write.1.tlog
Array made of double linked lists/FirstQuestion/Debug/Item.obj
Array made of double linked lists/FirstQuestion/Debug/main.obj
Array made of double linked lists/FirstQuestion/Debug/vc120.idb
Array made of double linked lists/FirstQuestion/Debug/vc120.pdb
Array made of double linked lists/FirstQuestion/DoubleLinkedList.cpp
Array made of double linked lists/FirstQuestion/DoubleLinkedList.h
Array made of double linked lists/FirstQuestion/FirstQuestion.vcxproj
Array made of double linked lists/FirstQuestion/FirstQuestion.vcxproj.filters
Array made of double linked lists/FirstQuestion/Item.cpp
Array made of double linked lists/FirstQuestion/Item.h
Array made of double linked lists/FirstQuestion/main.cpp
Array made of double linked lists/FirstQuestion.sdf
Array made of double linked lists/FirstQuestion.sln
Array made of double linked lists/FirstQuestion.v12.suo
Array made of double linked lists/FirstQuestion/Debug/FirstQuestion.tlog
Array made of double linked lists/FirstQuestion/Debug
Array made of double linked lists/Debug
Array made of double linked lists/FirstQuestion
Array made of double linked lists
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