- 标签属性:
- 上传时间:2015-01-21
提 供 者:
能够很方便的获取场景的深度图像和彩色图像,希望对大家有帮助-depth image
depth and color image with save bottom/App.xaml
depth and color image with save bottom/App.xaml.cs
depth and color image with save bottom/bin/Debug/KinectDisplayImageViaBitmap (2).exe
depth and color image with save bottom/bin/Debug/KinectDisplayImageViaBitmap.exe
depth and color image with save bottom/bin/Debug/KinectDisplayImageViaBitmap.pdb
depth and color image with save bottom/bin/Debug/KinectDisplayImageViaBitmap.vshost.exe
depth and color image with save bottom/bin/Debug/KinectDisplayImageViaBitmap.vshost.exe.manifest
depth and color image with save bottom/bin/Debug/Microsoft.Kinect.dll
depth and color image with save bottom/KinectDisplayImageViaBitmap with save button.sln
depth and color image with save bottom/KinectDisplayImageViaBitmap with save button.suo
depth and color image with save bottom/KinectDisplayImageViaBitmap.csproj
depth and color image with save bottom/KinectDisplayImageViaBitmap.suo
depth and color image with save bottom/MainWindow.xaml
depth and color image with save bottom/MainWindow.xaml.cs
depth and color image with save bottom/obj/x86/Debug/App.g.cs
depth and color image with save bottom/obj/x86/Debug/App.g.i.cs
depth and color image with save bottom/obj/x86/Debug/DesignTimeResolveAssemblyReferences.cache
depth and color image with save bottom/obj/x86/Debug/DesignTimeResolveAssemblyReferencesInput.cache
depth and color image with save bottom/obj/x86/Debug/GenerateResource.read.1.tlog
depth and color image with save bottom/obj/x86/Debug/GenerateResource.write.1.tlog
depth and color image with save bottom/obj/x86/Debug/KinectDisplayImageViaBitmap.csproj.FileListAbsolute.txt
depth and color image with save bottom/obj/x86/Debug/KinectDisplayImageViaBitmap.csproj.GenerateResource.Cache
depth and color image with save bottom/obj/x86/Debug/KinectDisplayImageViaBitmap.csprojResolveAssemblyReference.cache
depth and color image with save bottom/obj/x86/Debug/KinectDisplayImageViaBitmap.exe
depth and color image with save bottom/obj/x86/Debug/KinectDisplayImageViaBitmap.g.resources
depth and color image with save bottom/obj/x86/Debug/KinectDisplayImageViaBitmap.pdb
depth and color image with save bottom/obj/x86/Debug/KinectDisplayImageViaBitmap.Properties.Resources.resources
depth and color image with save bottom/obj/x86/Debug/KinectDisplayImageViaBitmap_MarkupCompile.cache
depth and color image with save bottom/obj/x86/Debug/KinectDisplayImageViaBitmap_MarkupCompile.i.cache
depth and color image with save bottom/obj/x86/Debug/MainWindow.baml
depth and color image with save bottom/obj/x86/Debug/MainWindow.g.cs
depth and color image with save bottom/obj/x86/Debug/MainWindow.g.i.cs
depth and color image with save bottom/obj/x86/Debug/TempPE/Properties.Resources.Designer.cs.dll
depth and color image with save bottom/Properties/AssemblyInfo.cs
depth and color image with save bottom/Properties/Resources.Designer.cs
depth and color image with save bottom/Properties/Resources.resx
depth and color image with save bottom/Properties/Settings.Designer.cs
depth and color image with save bottom/Properties/Settings.settings
depth and color image with save bottom/obj/x86/Debug/TempPE
depth and color image with save bottom/obj/x86/Debug
depth and color image with save bottom/bin/Debug
depth and color image with save bottom/obj/x86
depth and color image with save bottom/bin
depth and color image with save bottom/obj
depth and color image with save bottom/Properties
depth and color image with save bottom
depth and color image with save bottom/App.xaml.cs
depth and color image with save bottom/bin/Debug/KinectDisplayImageViaBitmap (2).exe
depth and color image with save bottom/bin/Debug/KinectDisplayImageViaBitmap.exe
depth and color image with save bottom/bin/Debug/KinectDisplayImageViaBitmap.pdb
depth and color image with save bottom/bin/Debug/KinectDisplayImageViaBitmap.vshost.exe
depth and color image with save bottom/bin/Debug/KinectDisplayImageViaBitmap.vshost.exe.manifest
depth and color image with save bottom/bin/Debug/Microsoft.Kinect.dll
depth and color image with save bottom/KinectDisplayImageViaBitmap with save button.sln
depth and color image with save bottom/KinectDisplayImageViaBitmap with save button.suo
depth and color image with save bottom/KinectDisplayImageViaBitmap.csproj
depth and color image with save bottom/KinectDisplayImageViaBitmap.suo
depth and color image with save bottom/MainWindow.xaml
depth and color image with save bottom/MainWindow.xaml.cs
depth and color image with save bottom/obj/x86/Debug/App.g.cs
depth and color image with save bottom/obj/x86/Debug/App.g.i.cs
depth and color image with save bottom/obj/x86/Debug/DesignTimeResolveAssemblyReferences.cache
depth and color image with save bottom/obj/x86/Debug/DesignTimeResolveAssemblyReferencesInput.cache
depth and color image with save bottom/obj/x86/Debug/GenerateResource.read.1.tlog
depth and color image with save bottom/obj/x86/Debug/GenerateResource.write.1.tlog
depth and color image with save bottom/obj/x86/Debug/KinectDisplayImageViaBitmap.csproj.FileListAbsolute.txt
depth and color image with save bottom/obj/x86/Debug/KinectDisplayImageViaBitmap.csproj.GenerateResource.Cache
depth and color image with save bottom/obj/x86/Debug/KinectDisplayImageViaBitmap.csprojResolveAssemblyReference.cache
depth and color image with save bottom/obj/x86/Debug/KinectDisplayImageViaBitmap.exe
depth and color image with save bottom/obj/x86/Debug/KinectDisplayImageViaBitmap.g.resources
depth and color image with save bottom/obj/x86/Debug/KinectDisplayImageViaBitmap.pdb
depth and color image with save bottom/obj/x86/Debug/KinectDisplayImageViaBitmap.Properties.Resources.resources
depth and color image with save bottom/obj/x86/Debug/KinectDisplayImageViaBitmap_MarkupCompile.cache
depth and color image with save bottom/obj/x86/Debug/KinectDisplayImageViaBitmap_MarkupCompile.i.cache
depth and color image with save bottom/obj/x86/Debug/MainWindow.baml
depth and color image with save bottom/obj/x86/Debug/MainWindow.g.cs
depth and color image with save bottom/obj/x86/Debug/MainWindow.g.i.cs
depth and color image with save bottom/obj/x86/Debug/TempPE/Properties.Resources.Designer.cs.dll
depth and color image with save bottom/Properties/AssemblyInfo.cs
depth and color image with save bottom/Properties/Resources.Designer.cs
depth and color image with save bottom/Properties/Resources.resx
depth and color image with save bottom/Properties/Settings.Designer.cs
depth and color image with save bottom/Properties/Settings.settings
depth and color image with save bottom/obj/x86/Debug/TempPE
depth and color image with save bottom/obj/x86/Debug
depth and color image with save bottom/bin/Debug
depth and color image with save bottom/obj/x86
depth and color image with save bottom/bin
depth and color image with save bottom/obj
depth and color image with save bottom/Properties
depth and color image with save bottom
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