BadAndroid v0.1 安卓恶意程序demo,仅供参考!-#############################
## BadAndroid v0.1 ##
## Android USB-Ethernet ##
## Emulation and DNS MitM ##
## Jakob Lell ##
## <jakob@srlabs.de> ##
Purpose: Spoof a USB-Ethernet adapter an Android phone to capture network traffic a connected computer. Then change some DNS answers to redirect traffic.
#1. Root your phone, make sure its connected to the Internet
#2. Install busybox (e.g., using the stericson busybox installer)
#3. Create a hosts file with the domains you want to redirect and with your server’s IP such as: paypal.com www.paypal.com
#4. Copy the scr ipts and hosts file to the phone:
adb push bad.sh /data/local/tmp/
adb push cleanup.sh /data/local/tmp/
adb push hosts /data/local/tmp/
#5. Install and open a terminal on the phone (e.g. jackpal/Android-Terminal-Emulator) and get a root shell: /system/xbin/su
#6. Run bad.sh: sh /data/local/tmp/
## BadAndroid v0.1 ##
## Android USB-Ethernet ##
## Emulation and DNS MitM ##
## Jakob Lell ##
## <jakob@srlabs.de> ##
Purpose: Spoof a USB-Ethernet adapter an Android phone to capture network traffic a connected computer. Then change some DNS answers to redirect traffic.
#1. Root your phone, make sure its connected to the Internet
#2. Install busybox (e.g., using the stericson busybox installer)
#3. Create a hosts file with the domains you want to redirect and with your server’s IP such as: paypal.com www.paypal.com
#4. Copy the scr ipts and hosts file to the phone:
adb push bad.sh /data/local/tmp/
adb push cleanup.sh /data/local/tmp/
adb push hosts /data/local/tmp/
#5. Install and open a terminal on the phone (e.g. jackpal/Android-Terminal-Emulator) and get a root shell: /system/xbin/su
#6. Run bad.sh: sh /data/local/tmp/