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为了快速准确地计算电噪声奇异性, 在介绍信号奇异性计算方法的基础上, 将其引入到电噪声信号分

析中, 提出一种新的基于多重分形奇异性指数计算信号电噪声的方法。新方法利用多重分形来提取电噪声中可

以表达信号内在细节特征的奇异点Hê lder指数, 通过计算电噪声中Hê lder指数的差异来进行噪声分析。通过

对实测电迁移和光耦电噪声的计算分析表明, 电迁移后期奇异性指数会发生突变 而良品光耦器件和次品光耦

器件在信号噪声的平均H ê lder指数方面差异明显。实验结果证明本方法是一种快速可靠的电噪声奇异性计算

方法。-In order to computing e lectr ica l no ise singu la rity fast and reliable, propo sed a new mult-i fracta l based e lec trical

no ise s ingular computationa lme thod. Used new methods to ex trac tmu lt-i fractal no ise, cou ld be exp ressed in the signa l cha racter

istics of the interna l de ta ils o f singu la r po in tsHê lder index by ana ly zing e lec trica l no ise inHê lder index for the difference in

no ise ana lys is. Th ismethod o fm ig ration and optocoupler electrical no ise analysis show s thatm ig ra tion, the late singu larity index

w ill happen andmutation w ill be a fter the opening o f aluminum good optocoupler devices and faulty dev ices in the average

no iseHê lder index significant d ifference. The expermi enta l resu lts show that th ismethod in the e lectrical no ise signa ls in the

computation and ana lys is o f very practica .l It is a fast and re liab le electr ica l no ise singu la rity computa tiona lmethod.


信号奇异性计算方法在电噪声信号中的应用_赵健 (1).pdf


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