- 标签属性:
- 上传时间:2015-06-10
提 供 者:
通过介绍 Q R 二维码 的基本知识及其特点, 然后根据 开放 大学 学生管理 的特点 ,设计 并实现 了开放 大学身份验证 系统, 重
点介绍 了 系统设计 中 的关键技 术。- The b asic know ledge and the features of Q R code are introduced, and then on the basis of the features of the student
m an agem ent in op en u nivers ity , the iden tity authen tication system of op en u niv ersity is designed and re alized. In th e end , th e key
tech nologies app lied in che s ystem are introd u ced em p hatically.
点介绍 了 系统设计 中 的关键技 术。- The b asic know ledge and the features of Q R code are introduced, and then on the basis of the features of the student
m an agem ent in op en u nivers ity , the iden tity authen tication system of op en u niv ersity is designed and re alized. In th e end , th e key
tech nologies app lied in che s ystem are introd u ced em p hatically.
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