- 标签属性:
- 上传时间:2015-10-02
提 供 者:
This android application will detect gesture motion and page will move according to your given direction i.e left or right.
swipe left and rught using gesture1/Thanks.txt
swipe left and rught using gesture1/swipe left and rught using gesture/.classpath
swipe left and rught using gesture1/swipe left and rught using gesture/.project
swipe left and rught using gesture1/swipe left and rught using gesture/AndroidManifest.xml
swipe left and rught using gesture1/swipe left and rught using gesture/bin/AndroidManifest.xml
swipe left and rught using gesture1/swipe left and rught using gesture/bin/classes/com/example/faltu/BuildConfig.class
swipe left and rught using gesture1/swipe left and rught using gesture/bin/classes/com/example/faltu/Left.class
swipe left and rught using gesture1/swipe left and rught using gesture/bin/classes/com/example/faltu/MainActivity$SwipeGestureDetector.class
swipe left and rught using gesture1/swipe left and rught using gesture/bin/classes/com/example/faltu/MainActivity.class
swipe left and rught using gesture1/swipe left and rught using gesture/bin/classes/com/example/faltu/R$attr.class
swipe left and rught using gesture1/swipe left and rught using gesture/bin/classes/com/example/faltu/R$dimen.class
swipe left and rught using gesture1/swipe left and rught using gesture/bin/classes/com/example/faltu/R$drawable.class
swipe left and rught using gesture1/swipe left and rught using gesture/bin/classes/com/example/faltu/R$id.class
swipe left and rught using gesture1/swipe left and rught using gesture/bin/classes/com/example/faltu/R$layout.class
swipe left and rught using gesture1/swipe left and rught using gesture/bin/classes/com/example/faltu/R$menu.class
swipe left and rught using gesture1/swipe left and rught using gesture/bin/classes/com/example/faltu/R$string.class
swipe left and rught using gesture1/swipe left and rught using gesture/bin/classes/com/example/faltu/R$style.class
swipe left and rught using gesture1/swipe left and rught using gesture/bin/classes/com/example/faltu/R.class
swipe left and rught using gesture1/swipe left and rught using gesture/bin/classes/com/example/faltu/Right.class
swipe left and rught using gesture1/swipe left and rught using gesture/bin/dexedLibs/android-support-v4-e9399d8fca2e5638f458f40848286f70.jar
swipe left and rught using gesture1/swipe left and rught using gesture/bin/jarlist.cache
swipe left and rught using gesture1/swipe left and rught using gesture/bin/res/drawable-hdpi/ic_launcher.png
swipe left and rught using gesture1/swipe left and rught using gesture/bin/res/drawable-mdpi/ic_launcher.png
swipe left and rught using gesture1/swipe left and rught using gesture/bin/res/drawable-xhdpi/ic_launcher.png
swipe left and rught using gesture1/swipe left and rught using gesture/bin/res/drawable-xxhdpi/ic_launcher.png
swipe left and rught using gesture1/swipe left and rught using gesture/bin/resources.ap_
swipe left and rught using gesture1/swipe left and rught using gesture/gen/com/example/faltu/BuildConfig.java
swipe left and rught using gesture1/swipe left and rught using gesture/gen/com/example/faltu/R.java
swipe left and rught using gesture1/swipe left and rught using gesture/libs/android-support-v4.jar
swipe left and rught using gesture1/swipe left and rught using gesture/proguard-project.txt
swipe left and rught using gesture1/swipe left and rught using gesture/project.properties
swipe left and rught using gesture1/swipe left and rught using gesture/res/drawable-hdpi/ic_launcher.png
swipe left and rught using gesture1/swipe left and rught using gesture/res/drawable-mdpi/ic_launcher.png
swipe left and rught using gesture1/swipe left and rught using gesture/res/drawable-xhdpi/ic_launcher.png
swipe left and rught using gesture1/swipe left and rught using gesture/res/drawable-xxhdpi/ic_launcher.png
swipe left and rught using gesture1/swipe left and rught using gesture/res/layout/activity_main.xml
swipe left and rught using gesture1/swipe left and rught using gesture/res/layout/left.xml
swipe left and rught using gesture1/swipe left and rught using gesture/res/layout/right.xml
swipe left and rught using gesture1/swipe left and rught using gesture/res/menu/main.xml
swipe left and rught using gesture1/swipe left and rught using gesture/res/values/dimens.xml
swipe left and rught using gesture1/swipe left and rught using gesture/res/values/strings.xml
swipe left and rught using gesture1/swipe left and rught using gesture/res/values/styles.xml
swipe left and rught using gesture1/swipe left and rught using gesture/res/values-sw600dp/dimens.xml
swipe left and rught using gesture1/swipe left and rught using gesture/res/values-sw720dp-land/dimens.xml
swipe left and rught using gesture1/swipe left and rught using gesture/res/values-v11/styles.xml
swipe left and rught using gesture1/swipe left and rught using gesture/res/values-v14/styles.xml
swipe left and rught using gesture1/swipe left and rught using gesture/src/com/example/faltu/Left.java
swipe left and rught using gesture1/swipe left and rught using gesture/src/com/example/faltu/MainActivity.java
swipe left and rught using gesture1/swipe left and rught using gesture/src/com/example/faltu/Right.java
swipe left and rught using gesture1/swipe left a
swipe left and rught using gesture1/swipe left and rught using gesture/.classpath
swipe left and rught using gesture1/swipe left and rught using gesture/.project
swipe left and rught using gesture1/swipe left and rught using gesture/AndroidManifest.xml
swipe left and rught using gesture1/swipe left and rught using gesture/bin/AndroidManifest.xml
swipe left and rught using gesture1/swipe left and rught using gesture/bin/classes/com/example/faltu/BuildConfig.class
swipe left and rught using gesture1/swipe left and rught using gesture/bin/classes/com/example/faltu/Left.class
swipe left and rught using gesture1/swipe left and rught using gesture/bin/classes/com/example/faltu/MainActivity$SwipeGestureDetector.class
swipe left and rught using gesture1/swipe left and rught using gesture/bin/classes/com/example/faltu/MainActivity.class
swipe left and rught using gesture1/swipe left and rught using gesture/bin/classes/com/example/faltu/R$attr.class
swipe left and rught using gesture1/swipe left and rught using gesture/bin/classes/com/example/faltu/R$dimen.class
swipe left and rught using gesture1/swipe left and rught using gesture/bin/classes/com/example/faltu/R$drawable.class
swipe left and rught using gesture1/swipe left and rught using gesture/bin/classes/com/example/faltu/R$id.class
swipe left and rught using gesture1/swipe left and rught using gesture/bin/classes/com/example/faltu/R$layout.class
swipe left and rught using gesture1/swipe left and rught using gesture/bin/classes/com/example/faltu/R$menu.class
swipe left and rught using gesture1/swipe left and rught using gesture/bin/classes/com/example/faltu/R$string.class
swipe left and rught using gesture1/swipe left and rught using gesture/bin/classes/com/example/faltu/R$style.class
swipe left and rught using gesture1/swipe left and rught using gesture/bin/classes/com/example/faltu/R.class
swipe left and rught using gesture1/swipe left and rught using gesture/bin/classes/com/example/faltu/Right.class
swipe left and rught using gesture1/swipe left and rught using gesture/bin/dexedLibs/android-support-v4-e9399d8fca2e5638f458f40848286f70.jar
swipe left and rught using gesture1/swipe left and rught using gesture/bin/jarlist.cache
swipe left and rught using gesture1/swipe left and rught using gesture/bin/res/drawable-hdpi/ic_launcher.png
swipe left and rught using gesture1/swipe left and rught using gesture/bin/res/drawable-mdpi/ic_launcher.png
swipe left and rught using gesture1/swipe left and rught using gesture/bin/res/drawable-xhdpi/ic_launcher.png
swipe left and rught using gesture1/swipe left and rught using gesture/bin/res/drawable-xxhdpi/ic_launcher.png
swipe left and rught using gesture1/swipe left and rught using gesture/bin/resources.ap_
swipe left and rught using gesture1/swipe left and rught using gesture/gen/com/example/faltu/BuildConfig.java
swipe left and rught using gesture1/swipe left and rught using gesture/gen/com/example/faltu/R.java
swipe left and rught using gesture1/swipe left and rught using gesture/libs/android-support-v4.jar
swipe left and rught using gesture1/swipe left and rught using gesture/proguard-project.txt
swipe left and rught using gesture1/swipe left and rught using gesture/project.properties
swipe left and rught using gesture1/swipe left and rught using gesture/res/drawable-hdpi/ic_launcher.png
swipe left and rught using gesture1/swipe left and rught using gesture/res/drawable-mdpi/ic_launcher.png
swipe left and rught using gesture1/swipe left and rught using gesture/res/drawable-xhdpi/ic_launcher.png
swipe left and rught using gesture1/swipe left and rught using gesture/res/drawable-xxhdpi/ic_launcher.png
swipe left and rught using gesture1/swipe left and rught using gesture/res/layout/activity_main.xml
swipe left and rught using gesture1/swipe left and rught using gesture/res/layout/left.xml
swipe left and rught using gesture1/swipe left and rught using gesture/res/layout/right.xml
swipe left and rught using gesture1/swipe left and rught using gesture/res/menu/main.xml
swipe left and rught using gesture1/swipe left and rught using gesture/res/values/dimens.xml
swipe left and rught using gesture1/swipe left and rught using gesture/res/values/strings.xml
swipe left and rught using gesture1/swipe left and rught using gesture/res/values/styles.xml
swipe left and rught using gesture1/swipe left and rught using gesture/res/values-sw600dp/dimens.xml
swipe left and rught using gesture1/swipe left and rught using gesture/res/values-sw720dp-land/dimens.xml
swipe left and rught using gesture1/swipe left and rught using gesture/res/values-v11/styles.xml
swipe left and rught using gesture1/swipe left and rught using gesture/res/values-v14/styles.xml
swipe left and rught using gesture1/swipe left and rught using gesture/src/com/example/faltu/Left.java
swipe left and rught using gesture1/swipe left and rught using gesture/src/com/example/faltu/MainActivity.java
swipe left and rught using gesture1/swipe left and rught using gesture/src/com/example/faltu/Right.java
swipe left and rught using gesture1/swipe left a
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