虚拟力的无线传感网络覆盖,考虑雨衰 阴影 和多径影响,加入重复控制,模式识别中的bayes判别分析算法,用MATLAB实现动态聚类或迭代自组织数据分析,是本科毕设的题目,保证准确无误,是学习通信的好帮手。
- Virtual power wireless sensor network coverage, Consider shadow rain attenuation and multipath effects Join repetitive control, Pattern Recognition bayes discriminant analysis algorithm, Using MATLAB dynamic clustering or iterative self-organizing data analysis, The title of the commercial is undergraduate course you Ensure accurate communication is learning a good helper.
- Virtual power wireless sensor network coverage, Consider shadow rain attenuation and multipath effects Join repetitive control, Pattern Recognition bayes discriminant analysis algorithm, Using MATLAB dynamic clustering or iterative self-organizing data analysis, The title of the commercial is undergraduate course you Ensure accurate communication is learning a good helper.
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