单片机MSP430用诺基亚5110液晶显示屏显示温湿度传感器HDC1050 使用协议IIC-use msp430 show the tempreture and humity of HDC1050 .use the iic and spi
5110 - 160511/CHARCODE.H
5110 - 160511/cryfucns.h
5110 - 160511/cryfuncs.c
5110 - 160511/Debug/Exe/MY12864.d43
5110 - 160511/Debug/Exe/MY12864.txt
5110 - 160511/Debug/Obj/delay.pbi
5110 - 160511/Debug/Obj/delay.r43
5110 - 160511/Debug/Obj/hdc1050.pbi
5110 - 160511/Debug/Obj/hdc1050.r43
5110 - 160511/Debug/Obj/iic.pbi
5110 - 160511/Debug/Obj/iic.r43
5110 - 160511/Debug/Obj/main.pbi
5110 - 160511/Debug/Obj/main.r43
5110 - 160511/Debug/Obj/MY12864.pbd
5110 - 160511/Debug/Obj/nokia_5110.pbi
5110 - 160511/Debug/Obj/nokia_5110.r43
5110 - 160511/Debug/Obj/st765.r43
5110 - 160511/Debug/Obj/unit.pbi
5110 - 160511/Debug/Obj/unit.r43
5110 - 160511/delay.c
5110 - 160511/delay.h
5110 - 160511/displaydata.h
5110 - 160511/english_6x8_pixel.h
5110 - 160511/font_ascii_code.c
5110 - 160511/font_gbk_code.c
5110 - 160511/font_gbk_codemyjie.h
5110 - 160511/hdc1050.c
5110 - 160511/hdc1050.h
5110 - 160511/iic.c
5110 - 160511/iic.h
5110 - 160511/img_code.c
5110 - 160511/lcd5510_v3.c
5110 - 160511/main.c
5110 - 160511/MY12864.dep
5110 - 160511/MY12864.ewd
5110 - 160511/MY12864.ewp
5110 - 160511/MY12864.eww
5110 - 160511/nokia_5110.c
5110 - 160511/nokia_5110.h
5110 - 160511/settings/MY12864.cspy.bat
5110 - 160511/settings/MY12864.dbgdt
5110 - 160511/settings/MY12864.dni
5110 - 160511/settings/MY12864.wsdt
5110 - 160511/settings/MY12864.wspos
5110 - 160511/st765.c
5110 - 160511/st765.h
5110 - 160511/unit.c
5110 - 160511/unit.h
5110 - 160511/write_chinese_string_pixel.h
5110 - 160511/Debug/Exe
5110 - 160511/Debug/List
5110 - 160511/Debug/Obj
5110 - 160511/Debug
5110 - 160511/settings
5110 - 160511
5110 - 160511/cryfucns.h
5110 - 160511/cryfuncs.c
5110 - 160511/Debug/Exe/MY12864.d43
5110 - 160511/Debug/Exe/MY12864.txt
5110 - 160511/Debug/Obj/delay.pbi
5110 - 160511/Debug/Obj/delay.r43
5110 - 160511/Debug/Obj/hdc1050.pbi
5110 - 160511/Debug/Obj/hdc1050.r43
5110 - 160511/Debug/Obj/iic.pbi
5110 - 160511/Debug/Obj/iic.r43
5110 - 160511/Debug/Obj/main.pbi
5110 - 160511/Debug/Obj/main.r43
5110 - 160511/Debug/Obj/MY12864.pbd
5110 - 160511/Debug/Obj/nokia_5110.pbi
5110 - 160511/Debug/Obj/nokia_5110.r43
5110 - 160511/Debug/Obj/st765.r43
5110 - 160511/Debug/Obj/unit.pbi
5110 - 160511/Debug/Obj/unit.r43
5110 - 160511/delay.c
5110 - 160511/delay.h
5110 - 160511/displaydata.h
5110 - 160511/english_6x8_pixel.h
5110 - 160511/font_ascii_code.c
5110 - 160511/font_gbk_code.c
5110 - 160511/font_gbk_codemyjie.h
5110 - 160511/hdc1050.c
5110 - 160511/hdc1050.h
5110 - 160511/iic.c
5110 - 160511/iic.h
5110 - 160511/img_code.c
5110 - 160511/lcd5510_v3.c
5110 - 160511/main.c
5110 - 160511/MY12864.dep
5110 - 160511/MY12864.ewd
5110 - 160511/MY12864.ewp
5110 - 160511/MY12864.eww
5110 - 160511/nokia_5110.c
5110 - 160511/nokia_5110.h
5110 - 160511/settings/MY12864.cspy.bat
5110 - 160511/settings/MY12864.dbgdt
5110 - 160511/settings/MY12864.dni
5110 - 160511/settings/MY12864.wsdt
5110 - 160511/settings/MY12864.wspos
5110 - 160511/st765.c
5110 - 160511/st765.h
5110 - 160511/unit.c
5110 - 160511/unit.h
5110 - 160511/write_chinese_string_pixel.h
5110 - 160511/Debug/Exe
5110 - 160511/Debug/List
5110 - 160511/Debug/Obj
5110 - 160511/Debug
5110 - 160511/settings
5110 - 160511
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