007 魔兽世界脚本 不是第一也是第二 希望采纳(007 World of Warcraft scr ipt is not the first and second hope to adopt)
文件名 | 大小 | 更新时间 |
wow007 | ||
wow007\action | ||
wow007\action\warrior.xml | 4680 | 2008-09-08 |
wow007\config | ||
wow007\config\AutoAttackConfig | ||
wow007\config\AutoAttackConfig\圣骑士.xml | 7971 | 2009-03-03 |
wow007\config\AutoAttackConfig\德鲁伊-熊.xml | 8118 | 2009-03-03 |
wow007\config\AutoAttackConfig\德鲁伊-猫.xml | 7943 | 2009-03-03 |
wow007\config\AutoAttackConfig\战士-武器.xml | 9192 | 2009-03-03 |
wow007\config\AutoAttackConfig\战士-狂暴.xml | 7060 | 2009-03-03 |
wow007\config\AutoAttackConfig\暗夜1-13主脚本样例.xml | 8074 | 2009-03-19 |
wow007\config\AutoAttackConfig\暗夜猎人1-3子脚本.xml | 13841 | 2009-03-17 |
wow007\config\AutoAttackConfig\暗夜猎人10-13海藻2子脚本.xml | 13642 | 2009-03-18 |
wow007\config\AutoAttackConfig\暗夜猎人3-6子脚本.xml | 13630 | 2009-03-17 |
wow007\config\AutoAttackConfig\暗夜猎人6-10海藻1子脚本.xml | 13886 | 2009-03-17 |
wow007\config\AutoAttackConfig\暗夜走传送门子脚本.xml | 13404 | 2009-03-19 |
wow007\config\AutoAttackConfig\暗夜走出新手村子脚本.xml | 13162 | 2009-03-17 |
wow007\config\AutoAttackConfig\暗夜飞黑海岸子脚本.xml | 13392 | 2009-03-18 |
wow007\config\AutoAttackConfig\术士-小鬼.xml | 7210 | 2009-03-03 |
wow007\config\AutoAttackConfig\术士-灵魂卫士.xml | 7760 | 2009-03-03 |
wow007\config\AutoAttackConfig\术士-虚空.xml | 7566 | 2009-03-03 |
wow007\config\AutoAttackConfig\术士.xml | 11937 | 2009-03-03 |
wow007\config\AutoAttackConfig\死亡骑士.xml | 7835 | 2009-03-03 |
wow007\config\AutoAttackConfig\法师-冰系.xml | 7630 | 2009-03-03 |
wow007\config\AutoAttackConfig\法师-火系.xml | 7783 | 2009-03-03 |
wow007\config\AutoAttackConfig\牧师-无暗影.xml | 7035 | 2009-03-03 |
wow007\config\AutoAttackConfig\牧师-暗影.xml | 6882 | 2009-03-03 |
wow007\config\AutoAttackConfig\猎人-有带宠物.xml | 6297 | 2009-03-03 |
wow007\config\AutoAttackConfig\猎人-没有宠物.xml | 6249 | 2009-03-03 |
wow007\config\AutoAttackConfig\猎人.xml | 7754 | 2009-03-03 |
wow007\config\AutoAttackConfig\盗贼-潜行开怪.xml | 6197 | 2009-03-03 |
wow007\config\AutoAttackConfig\盗贼-远程引怪.xml | 7119 | 2009-03-03 |
wow007\config\AutoAttackConfig\盗贼.xml | 6455 | 2009-03-03 |
wow007\config\AutoAttackConfig\萨满-元素.xml | 9339 | 2009-03-03 |
wow007\config\AutoAttackConfig\萨满-增强.xml | 6949 | 2009-03-03 |
wow007\config\PatrolList | ||
wow007\config\PatrolList\6-10去打海藻1.xml | 1987 | 2009-03-17 |
wow007\config\PatrolList\从出生点到打野猪.xml | 2425 | 2009-03-17 |
wow007\config\PatrolList\从小鬼那走出新手村.xml | 9279 | 2009-03-17 |
wow007\config\PatrolList\从打猪到打小鬼.xml | 3338 | 2009-03-17 |
wow007\config\PatrolList\从海藻1到海藻2.xml | 8462 | 2009-03-17 |
wow007\config\PatrolList\去鸟点.xml | 1861 | 2009-03-17 |
wow007\config\PatrolList\暗夜1-3打猪回城.xml | 2213 | 2009-03-17 |
wow007\config\PatrolList\暗夜1-3打猪复活.xml | 1924 | 2009-03-17 |
wow007\config\PatrolList\暗夜1-3打猪巡逻.xml | 5764 | 2009-03-17 |
wow007\config\PatrolList\暗夜10-13打海藻2回城.xml | 14800 | 2009-03-17 |
wow007\config\PatrolList\暗夜10-13打海藻2复活.xml | 13493 | 2009-03-17 |
wow007\config\PatrolList\暗夜10-13打海藻2巡逻.xml | 9413 | 2009-03-17 |
wow007\config\PatrolList\暗夜3-6打小鬼回城.xml | 5284 | 2009-03-17 |
wow007\config\PatrolList\暗夜3-6打小鬼复活.xml | 2789 | 2009-03-17 |
wow007\config\PatrolList\暗夜3-6打小鬼巡逻.xml | 3476 | 2009-03-17 |
wow007\config\PatrolList\暗夜6-10打海藻1回城.xml | 6371 | 2009-03-17 |
wow007\config\PatrolList\暗夜6-10打海藻1复活.xml | 1526 | 2009-03-17 |
wow007\config\PatrolList\暗夜6-10打海藻1巡逻.xml | 12876 | 2009-03-17 |
wow007\config\PatrolList\穿过精灵传送门.xml | 23465 | 2009-03-19 |
wow007\config\PatrolList\走出新手村复活.xml | 8506 | 2009-03-17 |
wow007\config\PatrolList\随便设置.xml | 192 | 2009-03-17 |
wow007\config\TaskConfig | ||
wow007\config\TaskConfig\warrior.xml | 4680 | 2008-09-08 |
wow007\config\user.ini | 95 | 2009-11-24 |
wow007\sid.dat | 31968 | 2009-11-18 |
wow007\Sound | ||
wow007\Sound\ammo.wav | 51446 | 2008-11-26 |
wow007\Sound\attacked.wav | 52142 | 2008-11-26 |
wow007\Sound\backcity.wav | 53344 | 2008-11-26 |
wow007\Sound\bagfull.wav | 50756 | 2008-11-26 |
wow007\Sound\bandage.wav | 48858 | 2008-11-26 |
wow007\Sound\equip.wav | 52500 | 2008-11-26 |
wow007\Sound\exception.wav | 66400 | 2008-11-26 |
wow007\Sound\follow.wav | 56212 | 2008-11-26 |
wow007\Sound\food.wav | 43996 | 2008-11-26 |
wow007\Sound\gm.wav | 63728 | 2009-10-12 |
wow007\Sound\healpotion.wav | 52684 | 2008-11-26 |
wow007\Sound\levelup.wav | 42006 | 2009-11-12 |
wow007\Sound\manapotion.wav | 54698 | 2008-11-26 |
wow007\Sound\offline.wav | 58404 | 2008-11-26 |
wow007\Sound\petfood.wav | 58990 | 2008-11-26 |
wow007\Sound\publicsay.wav | 53702 | 2009-10-12 |
wow007\Sound\resurrect.wav | 41356 | 2008-11-26 |
wow007\Sound\walkblock.wav | 51694 | 2008-11-26 |
wow007\Sound\water.wav | 46352 | 2008-11-26 |
wow007\Sound\whisper.wav | 80228 | 2008-11-26 |
wow007\Sound\wisper.wav | 51308 | 2009-10-12 |
wow007\SpellList.xml | 563507 | 2009-11-20 |
wow007\TestBdll.dll | 786432 | 2009-11-20 |
wow007\wow007 CNC.exe | 979868 | 2009-11-26 |
wow007\wys.sys | 4096 | 2009-05-04 |
wow007\魔兽007使用说明.chm | 898716 | 2008-09-05 |
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