聚合酶链式反应是一种用于放大扩增特定的DNA片段的分子生物学技术,它可看作是生物体外的特殊DNA复制,PCR的最大特点,是能将微量的DNA大幅增加。因此,无论是化石中的古生物、历史人物的残骸,还是几十年前凶杀案中凶手所遗留的毛发、皮肤或血液,只要能分离出一丁点的DNA,就能用PCR加以放大,进行比对。这也是“微量证据”的威力之所在。由1983年美国Mullis首先提出设想,1985年由其发明了聚合酶链反应,即简易DNA扩增法,意味着PCR技术的真正诞生。到如今2013年,PCR已发展到第三代技术。1973 年,台湾科学家钱嘉韵,发现了稳定的Taq DNA聚合酶,为PCR技术发展也做出了基础性贡献。(Polymerase chain reaction (PCR) is a molecular biological technology used to amplify and amplify specific DNA fragments. It can be regarded as a special DNA replication in vitro. The greatest feature of PCR is that it can significantly increase the amount of DNA. Therefore, no matter fossil remains or fossils of historical figures, or the hair, skin or blood left behind by murderers decades ago, if we can isolate a tiny amount of DNA, we can enlarge and compare them with PCR. This is also the power of "trace evidence". It was first proposed by American Mullis in 1983 that the polymerase chain reaction (PCR), the simple DNA amplification method, was invented in 1985, which means the real birth of PCR technology. By the year 2013, PCR has developed to the third generation of technology. In 1973, Qian Jiayun, a Taiwan scientist, found a stable Taq DNA polymerase that also made a basic contribution to the development of PCR technology.)
聚合酶链式反应是一种用于放大扩增特定的DNA片段的分子生物学技术,它可看作是生物体外的特殊DNA复制,PCR的最大特点,是能将微量的DNA大幅增加。因此,无论是化石中的古生物、历史人物的残骸,还是几十年前凶杀案中凶手所遗留的毛发、皮肤或血液,只要能分离出一丁点的DNA,就能用PCR加以放大,进行比对。这也是“微量证据”的威力之所在。由1983年美国Mullis首先提出设想,1985年由其发明了聚合酶链反应,即简易DNA扩增法,意味着PCR技术的真正诞生。到如今2013年,PCR已发展到第三代技术。1973 年,台湾科学家钱嘉韵,发现了稳定的Taq DNA聚合酶,为PCR技术发展也做出了基础性贡献。(Polymerase chain reaction (PCR) is a molecular biological technology used to amplify and amplify specific DNA fragments. It can be regarded as a special DNA replication in vitro. The greatest feature of PCR is that it can significantly increase the amount of DNA. Therefore, no matter fossil remains or fossils of historical figures, or the hair, skin or blood left behind by murderers decades ago, if we can isolate a tiny amount of DNA, we can enlarge and compare them with PCR. This is also the power of "trace evidence". It was first proposed by American Mullis in 1983 that the polymerase chain reaction (PCR), the simple DNA amplification method, was invented in 1985, which means the real birth of PCR technology. By the year 2013, PCR has developed to the third generation of technology. In 1973, Qian Jiayun, a Taiwan scientist, found a stable Taq DNA polymerase that also made a basic contribution to the development of PCR technology.)
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