习语言(c语言编程软件)是由一套功能强大的编程语法和相配套的工具组成的程序。旨在将编程大众化,普及化,中文化。适合作为初学者的入门学习工具。作为一种中文编程语言,习语言中所有的关键字和函数都为中文。习语言已经完全支持汇编和C语言,并向windows图形处理发展。(Learning language (C language programming software) is a program composed of a set of powerful programming grammar and matching tools. The aim is to popularize, popularize, and culture in programming. It is suitable for beginners as a beginner's learning tool. As a Chinese programming language, all the keywords and functions in the language are Chinese. Learning language has fully supported the assembly and C language and developed to windows graphics processing.)
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