源码是一个动画效果集合的小例子,包括侧滑栏SlidingLayout、ViewPager实现画廊、简单用viewpager实现画廊、圆形图片、简单的跑马灯动画效果、可拖拽的弹簧式水泡、可拖拽换位的GridView、下载图片、翻书页效果、叠楼效果、android 控件嵌套点击触发事件、等十多种功能或动画效果实现,javaapk之前也介绍过一个Android应用源码安卓动画合集大全加站长代码库,跟这个差不多。感兴趣的可以去看下(The source code is a set of animation small examples, including SlidingLayout, ViewPager sliding bar Gallery, simple viewpager Gallery, circular pictures, simple marquee animation, can drag the spring type blisters, can drag transposition of GridView, download pictures, pages, stack effect, effect of building the Android controls nested click trigger the event, more than 10 functions or animation effects, javaapk also introduced a Android application source code Daquan Android animation collection with Adsense code base, just like this. Interest can be seen)
相关搜索: Android例子源码十多种动画效果
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Demo\src\com\zsaog\demo\function | 0 | 2014-12-19 |
Demo\src\com\zsaog\demo\function\DownLoadImage.java | 5417 | 2014-11-24 |
Demo\src\com\zsaog\demo\gallery | 0 | 2014-12-19 |
Demo\src\com\zsaog\demo\gallery\GalleryPagerActivity.java | 2945 | 2014-10-13 |
Demo\src\com\zsaog\demo\gallery\package-info.java | 106 | 2014-10-13 |
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