RhaPHP 是一款免费开源的微信公众号管理营销系统!也是一款微信公众号开发框架。简洁,灵活,快速易开发,应用模块化,支持移动端管理微信公众号。基于 THINKPHP5,简单的代码即可实现微信公众号通信与接口实现(RhaPHP is a free open source WeChat public number management and marketing system. It is also a development framework for the WeChat public. It is concise, flexible, fast and easy to develop, and modularization is applied to support WeChat public account. Based on THINKPHP5, simple code can realize WeChat public number communication and interface implementation.)
文件名 | 大小 | 更新时间 |
build.php | 1070 | 2018-01-23 |
composer.json | 824 | 2018-01-23 |
composer.lock | 10787 | 2018-01-23 |
index.php | 979 | 2018-01-23 |
README.md | 3921 | 2018-01-23 |
robots.txt | 26 | 2018-01-23 |
think | 793 | 2018-01-23 |
addons\chongZhi\Config.php | 337 | 2018-01-23 |
addons\chongZhi\controller\Deposit.php | 2041 | 2018-01-23 |
addons\chongZhi\logo.jpg | 10665 | 2018-01-23 |
addons\chongZhi\view\common\base.html | 838 | 2018-01-23 |
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addons\chongZhi\view\deposit\topup.html | 923 | 2018-01-23 |
addons\nbforms\Config.php | 629 | 2018-01-23 |
addons\nbforms\controller\Forms.php | 10550 | 2018-01-23 |
addons\nbforms\controller\Preview.php | 1343 | 2018-01-23 |
addons\nbforms\controller\Subfms.php | 3527 | 2018-01-23 |
addons\nbforms\install.sql | 1594 | 2018-01-23 |
addons\nbforms\logo.png | 39023 | 2018-01-23 |
addons\nbforms\model\index.html | 123 | 2018-01-23 |
addons\nbforms\static\css\style.css | 3549 | 2018-01-23 |
addons\nbforms\static\images\preview_phone.png | 42888 | 2018-01-23 |
addons\nbforms\view\forms\addForm.html | 13227 | 2018-01-23 |
addons\nbforms\view\forms\edit.html | 14212 | 2018-01-23 |
addons\nbforms\view\forms\getdata.html | 1571 | 2018-01-23 |
addons\nbforms\view\forms\lists.html | 2835 | 2018-01-23 |
addons\nbforms\view\preview\show.html | 748 | 2018-01-23 |
addons\nbforms\view\subfms\default\index.html | 6795 | 2018-01-23 |
addons\redPack\Config.php | 3174 | 2018-01-23 |
addons\redPack\controller\Api.php | 1724 | 2018-01-23 |
addons\redPack\controller\Index.php | 1263 | 2018-01-23 |
addons\redPack\logo.jpg | 6331 | 2018-01-23 |
addons\redPack\model\Redpack.php | 301 | 2018-01-23 |
addons\redPack\view\index\index.html | 2528 | 2018-01-23 |
addons\touPiao\Common.php | 6 | 2018-01-23 |
addons\touPiao\Config.php | 3510 | 2018-01-23 |
addons\touPiao\controller\Admin.php | 1504 | 2018-01-23 |
addons\touPiao\controller\Common.php | 1490 | 2018-01-23 |
addons\touPiao\controller\Vote.php | 4576 | 2018-01-23 |
addons\touPiao\install.sql | 1059 | 2018-01-23 |
addons\touPiao\logo.jpg | 8988 | 2018-01-23 |
addons\touPiao\model\VoteBaoming.php | 358 | 2018-01-23 |
addons\touPiao\static\css\style.css | 1509 | 2018-01-23 |
addons\touPiao\view\admin\index.html | 2795 | 2018-01-23 |
addons\touPiao\view\common\base.html | 4146 | 2018-01-23 |
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addons\touPiao\view\vote\search.html | 1747 | 2018-01-23 |
addons\tuLing\Config.php | 2932 | 2018-01-23 |
addons\tuLing\controller\Api.php | 8334 | 2018-01-23 |
addons\tuLing\logo.png | 4101 | 2018-01-23 |
application\.htaccess | 13 | 2018-01-23 |
application\admin\controller\App.php | 15072 | 2018-01-23 |
application\admin\controller\Base.php | 3930 | 2018-01-23 |
application\admin\controller\Index.php | 1853 | 2018-01-23 |
application\admin\controller\Login.php | 1751 | 2018-01-23 |
application\admin\controller\System.php | 7319 | 2018-01-23 |
application\admin\controller\Upgrade.php | 5805 | 2018-01-23 |
application\behavior\ChangeTheme.php | 1509 | 2018-01-23 |
application\behavior\Define.php | 937 | 2018-01-23 |
application\behavior\Jssdk.php | 2436 | 2018-01-23 |
application\behavior\Upload.php | 21826 | 2018-01-23 |
application\command.php | 606 | 2018-01-23 |
application\common\controller\Addon.php | 5355 | 2018-01-23 |
application\common\controller\Common.php | 5370 | 2018-01-23 |
application\common\model\Addons.php | 2251 | 2018-01-23 |
application\common\model\Material.php | 6071 | 2018-01-23 |
application\common\model\MediaNewsList.php | 598 | 2018-01-23 |
application\common\model\MediaNewsMaterial.php | 602 | 2018-01-23 |
application\common\model\MemberWealthRecord.php | 2121 | 2018-01-23 |
application\common\model\Mp.php | 586 | 2018-01-23 |
application\common\model\MpFriends.php | 5203 | 2018-01-23 |
application\common\model\MpMsg.php | 5212 | 2018-01-23 |
application\common\model\MpReply.php | 979 | 2018-01-23 |
application\common\model\MpRule.php | 1161 | 2018-01-23 |
application\common\model\Payment.php | 1707 | 2018-01-23 |
application\common\model\Qrcode.php | 592 | 2018-01-23 |
application\common\model\Redpack.php | 593 | 2018-01-23 |
application\common\model\Setting.php | 1482 | 2018-01-23 |
application\common\view\default.html | 7675 | 2018-01-23 |
application\common.php | 62997 | 2018-01-23 |
application\copyright.php | 831 | 2018-01-23 |
application\install\common.php | 6995 | 2018-01-23 |
application\install\config\template.php | 827 | 2018-01-23 |
application\install\controller\Index.php | 4321 | 2018-01-23 |
application\install\view\index\check.html | 1753 | 2018-01-23 |
application\install\view\index\complete.html | 752 | 2018-01-23 |
application\install\view\index\config.html | 3102 | 2018-01-23 |
application\install\view\index\index.html | 4730 | 2018-01-23 |
application\install\view\index\sql.html | 674 | 2018-01-23 |
application\install\view\public\base.html | 2043 | 2018-01-23 |
application\mp\config.php | 33 | 2018-01-23 |
application\mp\controller\App.php | 10977 | 2018-01-23 |
application\mp\controller\Base.php | 2751 | 2018-01-23 |
application\mp\controller\Call.php | 2344 | 2018-01-23 |
application\mp\controller\Entr.php | 16750 | 2018-01-23 |
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