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TensorFlow? 是一个采用数据流图(data flow graphs),用于数值计算的开源软件库。节点(Nodes)在图中表示数学操作,图中的线(edges)则表示在节点间相互联系的多维数据数组,即张量(tensor)。它灵活的架构让你可以在多种平台上展开计算,例如台式计算机中的一个或多个CPU(或GPU),服务器,移动设备等等。TensorFlow 最初由Google大脑小组(隶属于Google机器智能研究机构)的研究员和工程师们开发出来,用于机器学习和深度神经网络方面的研究,但这个系统的通用性使其也可广泛用于其他计算领域。(TensorFlow is one of the data flow diagram (data flow graphs), the open source software library for numerical calculation. A node (Nodes) represents a mathematical operation in a graph, and the line (edges) in the graph represents a multidimensional array of data that is interconnected among the nodes, that is, the tensor (tensor). Its flexible architecture allows you to carry out computing on a variety of platforms, such as one or more CPU (or GPU) in a desktop computer, a server, a mobile device, and so on. TensorFlow was originally developed by researchers and engineers from the Google brain group (belonging to the Google Machine Intelligence Research Institute) for machine learning and deep neural network research, but the versatility of the system can also be widely used in other computing fields.)
相关搜索: tensorflow
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