3、能够实现购物车中物品数量的增加、减少和动态的显示根据物品的添加和减少的数量来调整价格。(The main contents: 1. Front and back-stage have been written, through database query on the web interface to achieve dynamic display. 2, there are shopping cart add function and recent browsing function (through cache). 3. The increase, decrease and dynamic display of the quantity of goods in the shopping cart can be realized. The price can be adjusted according to the quantity of added and reduced items. The main contents: 1. Front and back-stage have been written, through database query on the web interface to achieve dynamic display. 2, there are shopping cart add function and recent browsing function (through cache). 3. The increase, decrease and dynamic display of the quantity of goods in the shopping cart can be realized. The price can be adjusted according to the quantity of added and reduced items.)
3、能够实现购物车中物品数量的增加、减少和动态的显示根据物品的添加和减少的数量来调整价格。(The main contents: 1. Front and back-stage have been written, through database query on the web interface to achieve dynamic display. 2, there are shopping cart add function and recent browsing function (through cache). 3. The increase, decrease and dynamic display of the quantity of goods in the shopping cart can be realized. The price can be adjusted according to the quantity of added and reduced items. The main contents: 1. Front and back-stage have been written, through database query on the web interface to achieve dynamic display. 2, there are shopping cart add function and recent browsing function (through cache). 3. The increase, decrease and dynamic display of the quantity of goods in the shopping cart can be realized. The price can be adjusted according to the quantity of added and reduced items.)
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