文件名称:Most cited APS articles on the renormalization group
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压缩包 : QFT RG+ APS Classics - 201903.rar 列表 QFT RG+ APS Classics - 201903/1D Schrodinger Equation with an Almost Periodic Potential.pdf QFT RG+ APS Classics - 201903/An introduction to lattice gauge theory and spin systems.pdf QFT RG+ APS Classics - 201903/Asymptotic freedom in deep inelastic processes in the leading order.pdf QFT RG+ APS Classics - 201903/Asymptotically Free Gauge Theories. I.pdf QFT RG+ APS Classics - 201903/Asymptotically free gauge theories. II.pdf QFT RG+ APS Classics - 201903/Broken Scale Invariance in Scalar Field Theory.pdf QFT RG+ APS Classics - 201903/Critical exponents for long-range interactions.pdf QFT RG+ APS Classics - 201903/Critical Exponents in 3.99 Dimensions.pdf QFT RG+ APS Classics - 201903/Critical Phenomena on Fractal Lattices.pdf QFT RG+ APS Classics - 201903/Critical Properties from Monte Carlo Coarse Graining and R.pdf QFT RG+ APS Classics - 201903/Density Matrix Formulation for Quantum RG.pdf QFT RG+ APS Classics - 201903/Density Matrix RG and Periodic Boundary Conditions - quantum information.pdf QFT RG+ APS Classics - 201903/Dynamic Scaling of Growing Interfaces.pdf QFT RG+ APS Classics - 201903/First-Order Phase Transitions in RG Theory.pdf QFT RG+ APS Classics - 201903/Fixed Points of Quantum Gravity.pdf QFT RG+ APS Classics - 201903/Freedom at moderate energies - Masses in color dynamics.pdf QFT RG+ APS Classics - 201903/Functional RG approach to correlated fermion systems.pdf QFT RG+ APS Classics - 201903/Introduction to the RG.pdf QFT RG+ APS Classics - 201903/Minimal dynamical symmetry breaking of the SM.pdf QFT RG+ APS Classics - 201903/Monte Carlo RG.pdf QFT RG+ APS Classics - 201903/Nonperturbative evolution for quantum gravity.pdf QFT RG+ APS Classics - 201903/Numerical RG method for quantum impurity systems.pdf QFT RG+ APS Classics - 201903/Optimized perturbation theory.pdf QFT RG+ APS Classics - 201903/Optimized RG flows.pdf QFT RG+ APS Classics - 201903/Quantum Chromodynamics Test for Jets.pdf QFT RG+ APS Classics - 201903/Quark and lepton masses from RG fixed points.pdf QFT RG+ APS Classics - 201903/R-scheme-invariant QCD and QED - The method of effective charges.pdf QFT RG+ APS Classics - 201903/Real-Time Evolution Using the Density Matrix RG.pdf QFT RG+ APS Classics - 201903/Resonating Valence Bond Theory of Coupled Heisenberg chains.pdf QFT RG+ APS Classics - 201903/RG and Strong Interactions.pdf QFT RG+ APS Classics - 201903/RG approach to interacting fermions.pdf QFT RG+ APS Classics - 201903/RG Approach to Percolation Problems.pdf QFT RG+ APS Classics - 201903/RG Study of 1D Quasiperiodic Systems.pdf QFT RG+ APS Classics - 201903/RG study of the standard model and its extensions - The SM.pdf QFT RG+ APS Classics - 201903/RG theory - Its basis and formulation in statistical physics.pdf QFT RG+ APS Classics - 201903/RGReal-Time Dynamics in Quantum-Impurity Systems - Time-Dependent Numerical.pdf QFT RG+ APS Classics - 201903/Strongly Correlated Fermions after a Quantum Quench.pdf QFT RG+ APS Classics - 201903/The density-matrix RG.pdf QFT RG+ APS Classics - 201903/The lattice gauge theory approach to quantum chromodynamics.pdf QFT RG+ APS Classics - 201903/The RG - critical phenomena and the Kondo problem.pdf QFT RG+ APS Classics - 201903/The RG in the theory of critical behavior.pdf QFT RG+ APS Classics - 201903/Theory of dynamic critical phenomena.pdf QFT RG+ APS Classics - 201903/Thermodynamic Limit of Density Matrix R.pdf QFT RG+ APS Classics - 201903/Two-loop RG equations for soft supersymmetry-breaking couplings.pdf QFT RG+ APS Classics - 201903/Weinberg - New Approach to the RG.pdf QFT RG+ APS Classics - 201903/Wilson - The RG and critical phenomena.pdf QFT RG+ APS Classics - 201903/Wilson RG for low x physics - Gluon evolution at finite parton density.pdf QFT RG+ APS Classics - 201903/Wilson RG for low x physics - Towards the high density regime.pdf QFT RG+ APS Classics - 201903
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