T-kernel 的extension源代码,是日本最著名的T-kernel所独有的,适合开发T-kernel的朋友们使用!
TK/SE is the program that extends T-Kernel and provides the functions such as a file system and a process management.
The TK/SE archive to be provided is comprised of the main portion and the 2 extended file system portions, and TK/SE object is built by adding these to T-Kernel source.
a) tkernel_se_1.00.00.tar.gz Main source of T-Kernel/SE
b) extfs_fatfs_1.00.00.tar.gz Difference source of T-Kernel/SE extended file system (FAT)
c) extfs_cdrom_1.00.00.tar.gz Difference source of T-Kernel/SE extended file system (CD-ROM)
TK/SE is the program that extends T-Kernel and provides the functions such as a file system and a process management.
The TK/SE archive to be provided is comprised of the main portion and the 2 extended file system portions, and TK/SE object is built by adding these to T-Kernel source.
a) tkernel_se_1.00.00.tar.gz Main source of T-Kernel/SE
b) extfs_fatfs_1.00.00.tar.gz Difference source of T-Kernel/SE extended file system (FAT)
c) extfs_cdrom_1.00.00.tar.gz Difference source of T-Kernel/SE extended file system (CD-ROM)
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