public class gedebahe { public static void main( String [] args) { for ( ) { int a=-1,b,c //b,c是分解出来的两个数 System.out.print(\"Please input a oushu:\") //输入一个偶数 try { BufferedReader in = new BufferedReader(new InputStreamReader(System.in)) String inputLine = in.readLine() a = Integer.valueOf(inputLine).intValue() }catch (Exception exc) { System.out.println(\"Sorry,please input a number.\") return } if (a%2!=0) { System.out.println(\"Sorry,please input a oushu.\") return } for (b=1 b<a b++) { c=(a-b) if(isPrime(b)&&isPrime(c)) { System.out.println(a+\"=\"+b+\"+\"+c) break } } } } public static boolean isPrime(int k)//方法用来判断一个数是否为偶数 { int a boolean t = true if (k==1) return t for (a=2 a<k a++) { if (k%a==0) break } if (a!=k) t=false return t-gedebahe public class (public static void main (String [] args) (for () (int a = a, b, c / / b, c is the decomposition of the two several System.out.print ( "Please input a oushu : ") / / input an even try (BufferedReader in = new BufferedReader (new InputStreamReader (System.in)) = String inputLine in.readLine () a = Integer.valueOf (inputLine). intValue ()) catch (Exception exc) ( System.out.println ( "Sorry, please input a number.") return) if (a 2%! = 0) (System.out.println ( "Sorry, please input a oushu.") return) for (b = a blt; a b) (c = (a-b) if (isPrime (b) isPrime (c)) (System.out.println (a "=" b "" c) break)))) public static boolean isPrime (int k) / / method used to determine whether a number is even (int a boolean true if t =
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