该文件是用来对窗体的打印 手表定理是指一个人有一只表时,可以知道现在是几点钟,而当他同时拥有两只表时却无法确定。两只表并不能告诉一个人更准确的时间,反而会让看表的人失去对准确时间的信心。你要做的就是选择其中较信赖的一只,尽力校准它,并以此作为你的标准,听从它的指引行事。记住尼采的话:“兄弟,如果你是幸运的,你只需有一种道德而不要贪多,这样,你过桥更容易些。” 如果每个人都“选择你所爱,爱你所选择”,无论成败都可以心安理得。然而,困扰很多人的是:他们被“两只表”弄得无所,心身交瘁,不知自己该信仰哪一个,还有人在环境、他人的压力下,违心选择了自己并不喜欢的道路,为此而郁郁终生,即使取得了受人瞩目的成就,也体会不到成功的快乐。 手表定理在企业经营管理方面给我们一种非常直观的启发,就是对同一个人或同一个组织的管理不能同时采用两种不同的方法,不能同时设置两个不同的目标。甚至每一个人不能由两个人来同时指挥,否则将使这个企业或这个人无所适从。手表定理所指的另一层含义在于每个人都不能同时挑选两种不同的价值观,否则,你的行为将陷于混乱。-the document was used to print the forms watches theorem refers to a person with a table, they can know it is a few minutes and when he has failed to Table 2 to determine. Table 2 does not tell a more accurate time, we would give people a look at the exact right time to lose confidence. You ought to do is to choose the more reliable one, and make every effort to calibrate it, and take it as your standard, and obey its guidelines. Remember Nietzsche's words : "Brothers, if you are lucky, you only have a moral and not corrupt, so that you mention easier." If everyone is "choose your love, love your choice," regardless of the success or failure can be at ease. However, perplexed many people are : they are the "Table 2" they would get nothing, psychosomatic pa
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