Java 天生的一些优势外,他最大的魅力在於它提供的应用程式程式设 计介面 (API, Application Programming Interface),什麼是 API 呢 所谓 API 是指作业环境所提供给程式设计者用来使唤系统,程式库或是元件的函式 呼叫或资料结构,换言之,就是作业系统或作业环境提供给应用程式与系 统核心沟通的介面,像:ANSI C 中规定的 printf 就是用来向标准输出输出 文字用的函数呼叫.所以,只要知道 Java 提供了哪些类别可供使用,就可 以轻易的设计 Java 程式.-Java born some advantage, his greatest charm is that it provides applications programming interface (API Application Programming Interface) and what is so-called? API API is provided by the operating environment to the programs used to manage system designers, programmers or components for the call or data abstraction the structure, in other words, is the operating system or operating environment for application programs to communicate with the core system, the interface as : ANSI C is the printf to output to standard output using the text function call. Therefore, as long as the Java know what types available, it can light the easy design of Java programs.
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