俄罗斯方块是一款风靡全球的掌上游戏机和PC机游戏,它造成的轰动与创造的经济价值可以说是游戏史上的一件大事。它由俄罗斯人阿列克谢• 帕基特诺夫发明,故得此名。俄罗斯方块的基本规则是移动、旋转和摆放游戏自动输出的各种方块,使之排列成完整的一行或多行并且消除得分。它看似简单却变化无穷,俄罗斯方块上手极其简单,但是要熟练地掌握其中的操作与摆放技巧,难度却不低。作为家喻户晓老少皆宜的大众游戏,其普及程度可以说是史上任何一款游戏都无法相比的。相信大多数人都还记得为它痴迷得茶不思饭不想的那个俄罗斯方块时代。由于俄罗斯方块具有的数学性、动态性与知名度,也经常拿来作为游戏程序设计的练习题材。
关键词:俄罗斯方块开发 游戏编程 程序开发
Tetris is a fashionable global handheld game and PC games,it caused stir and create the economic value of gaming history is a great event.It is invented by the Russian Alexey Pazhitnov.The basic rule of tetris is moving,rotation and put the Game output squares,It arranged in a complete row or a complete multi row,eliminate and score.It seems simple but Full of change.As household the mass games all ages,Its popularity is any games that cannot be compared.Tetris often used for game programming practice subject.
Key: Tetris development ,Game programming ,program development
俄罗斯方块是一款风靡全球的掌上游戏机和PC机游戏,它造成的轰动与创造的经济价值可以说是游戏史上的一件大事。它由俄罗斯人阿列克谢• 帕基特诺夫发明,故得此名。俄罗斯方块的基本规则是移动、旋转和摆放游戏自动输出的各种方块,使之排列成完整的一行或多行并且消除得分。它看似简单却变化无穷,俄罗斯方块上手极其简单,但是要熟练地掌握其中的操作与摆放技巧,难度却不低。作为家喻户晓老少皆宜的大众游戏,其普及程度可以说是史上任何一款游戏都无法相比的。相信大多数人都还记得为它痴迷得茶不思饭不想的那个俄罗斯方块时代。由于俄罗斯方块具有的数学性、动态性与知名度,也经常拿来作为游戏程序设计的练习题材。
关键词:俄罗斯方块开发 游戏编程 程序开发
Tetris is a fashionable global handheld game and PC games,it caused stir and create the economic value of gaming history is a great event.It is invented by the Russian Alexey Pazhitnov.The basic rule of tetris is moving,rotation and put the Game output squares,It arranged in a complete row or a complete multi row,eliminate and score.It seems simple but Full of change.As household the mass games all ages,Its popularity is any games that cannot be compared.Tetris often used for game programming practice subject.
Key: Tetris development ,Game programming ,program development
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