1. 利用自相关函数法和周期图法实现随机信号的功率谱估计。
2. 观察数据长度、自相关序列长度、信噪比、窗函数、平均次数等对谱估计的分辨率、稳定性、主瓣宽度和旁瓣效应的影响。
-1. The use of auto-correlation function method and cycle map Method random signal power spectrum estimation. 2. Observation data length, the length of autocorrelation sequence, the signal to noise ratio, window function, the average frequency of the spectrum estimation resolution, stability, width and the main valve Sidelobe effects.
2. 观察数据长度、自相关序列长度、信噪比、窗函数、平均次数等对谱估计的分辨率、稳定性、主瓣宽度和旁瓣效应的影响。
-1. The use of auto-correlation function method and cycle map Method random signal power spectrum estimation. 2. Observation data length, the length of autocorrelation sequence, the signal to noise ratio, window function, the average frequency of the spectrum estimation resolution, stability, width and the main valve Sidelobe effects.
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