近年来,随着计算机技术的发展和互联网时代的到来,我们已经进入了信息时代,也有人称为数字化时代,在这数字化的时代里,学校的教学管理都受到了极大的挑战。Internet技术持续迅猛的发展,也给传统的办学提出了新的模式。通过设计和建设网络拓扑架构、网络安全系统、数据库基础结构、信息共享与管理、信息的发布与管理,从而方便管理者、老师和学生间信息发布、信息交流和信息共享。以现代计算技术、网络技术为基础的数字化教学主要是朝着信息化、网络化、现代化的目标迈进。作为新型的办学模式,它们具有对于教育、教学过程来说极为宝贵的特性,可以为新型办学模式的建构提供理想的环境。在此开发的大学信息学院管理信息系统,旨在探索一种以互联网为基础的办学模式。通过这种新的模式,为信息学院营造一种新的办学环境,使管理突破时空限制,扩大教学规模,提高工作效率和办学水平,使学校管理者、教师和学生可以在任何时候、任何地点通过网络进行学习与交流。-In recent years, with development of computer technology and the advent of the Internet era, We have entered the information age, it was also known as the digital era, and in this digital era, schools have been teaching management a great challenge. Internet technologies continue rapid development, but also to the traditional school of new models. Through the design and construction of network topology architecture, network security system, database infrastructure, information sharing and management, information publishing and management, thus facilitating administrators, teachers and students between the release of information, exchange of information and sharing of information. With modern technology, network technology based on the Digital Teaching is mainly towards information technolo
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