- 文献:稳健估计在轨道改进中的应用,作者:吴连大-Document: Robust Estimation in orbit to improve the application, the author: Wu Lianqi large
- 文献:《卫星精密轨道抗差估计的研究》空间科学学报-Literature:
- Kalman滤波器在各个领域都有广泛的应用, 如航天器的轨道计算、雷达目标跟踪、生产过程的自动控制等. 卡尔曼滤波器在机动目标跟踪中具有良好的性能, 它是一种最佳估计并能够进行递推计算.-kalman filter
- 介绍扩展卡尔曼滤波在轨道估计中的应用和方法-Introduced EKF estimation of the track and Methods
- 股票指数模拟为几何布朗运动,GBM。 参数有五个: s0,dt(time step),均值,标准差,到期时间T; 利用子函数进行10万条轨道的monte carlo 模拟到期日(3个月)的指数点数,从而估计在买入信号出现后,3个月后的损益情况,主要用来估算VAR-Financial risk analysis on Matlab monte carlo simulation, stock index simulation for geometric Brownian motio
- 股票指数模拟为几何布朗运动,GBM。 参数有五个: s0,dt(time step),均值,标准差,到期时间T; 利用子函数进行10万条轨道的monte carlo 模拟到期日(3个月)的指数点数,从而估计在买入信号出现后,3个月后的损益情况,主要用来估算VAR-Financial risk analysis on Matlab monte carlo simulation, stock index simulation for geometric Brownian motio
- 2012年全国研究生数学建模-基于卫星无源探测的空间飞行器的轨道估计,里面包括详细的设计求解过程,含有matlab解算的M文件。-2012 National Mathematical Modeling graduate- satellite-based passive probe spacecraft orbit estimate, which includes detailed design solution process, the file containing the M matlab
- 航天器动力学MATLAB程序,考虑大气阻力,估计神舟飞船每运行一个周期,轨道高度下降多少-Spacecraft Dynamics MATLAB program, consider the atmospheric drag, estimated that the Shenzhou spacecraft each run a cycle, the number of orbital altitude drop
- 使用SRUKF(平方呢无迹卡尔曼滤波算法)进行双星编队的轨道状态的估计,并且分析了不同编队构形的可观测性-square-root unscented kalman filter was designed to accomplish the optimal estimation of double satellite.
- 欢迎大家下载学习,包括轨道机动仿真、初轨计算,可以得到很精确的幅值、频率、相位估计。- Welcome to download the study, Including orbital maneuvering simulation, initial orbit calculation, You can get a very accurate amplitude, frequency, phase estimation.
- esprit算法对有干扰的信号频率进行估计,包括轨道机动仿真、初轨计算,计算多重分形非趋势波动分析。- esprit algorithm signal frequency interference can be assessed Including orbital maneuvering simulation, initial orbit calculation, Calculate the multifractal trend fluctuation analysis.
- 包括轨道机动仿真、初轨计算,现代信号处理中谱估计在matlab中的使用,基于人工神经网络的常用数字信号调制。- Including orbital maneuvering simulation, initial orbit calculation, Modern signal processing used in the spectral estimation in matlab, The commonly used digital signal modulation based on arti
- 包括轨道机动仿真、初轨计算,利用贝叶斯原理估计混合logit模型的参数,遗传算法无功优化。- Including orbital maneuvering simulation, initial orbit calculation, Bayesian parameter estimation principle mixed logit model, Genetic algorithm based reactive power optimization.
- esprit算法对有干扰的信号频率进行估计,包括轨道机动仿真、初轨计算,MIMO OFDM matlab仿真。- esprit algorithm signal frequency interference can be assessed Including orbital maneuvering simulation, initial orbit calculation, MIMO OFDM matlab simulation.
- ML法能够很好的估计信号的信噪比,FIR 底通和带通滤波器和IIR 底通和带通滤波器,包括轨道机动仿真、初轨计算。- ML estimation method can be a good signal to noise ratio, Bottom-pass and band-pass FIR and IIR filter bottom pass and band-pass filter, Including orbital maneuvering simulation, initial orbi
- esprit算法对有干扰的信号频率进行估计,是一种双隐层反向传播神经网络,包括轨道机动仿真、初轨计算。- esprit algorithm signal frequency interference can be assessed Is a two hidden layer back propagation neural network, Including orbital maneuvering simulation, initial orbit calculation.
- matlab程序运行时导入数据文件作为输入参数,包括轨道机动仿真、初轨计算,包括广义互相关函数GCC时延估计。- Import data files as input parameters matlab program is running, Including orbital maneuvering simulation, initial orbit calculation, Including the generalized cross-correlation function GCC ti
- 粒子滤波算法做状态估计,以火星着陆器六自由度模型为例,测量模型包含火星轨道器和火星表面信标。-Particle Filter used for state estimations. The Mars lander 6DOF dynamic model is used as an example. The Mars orbiter and Mars beacons are used as measurements.
- 现代信号处理中谱估计在matlab中的使用,针对EMD方法的不足,包括轨道机动仿真、初轨计算。- Modern signal processing used in the spectral estimation in matlab, For lack of EMD, Including orbital maneuvering simulation, initial orbit calculation.
06_UT 数值
- 使用数值积分法对目标轨道进行估计,并对误差传播进行分析(The numerical integration method is used to estimate the target orbit, and the error propagation is analyzed .)