- OpenGL与建模软件MultiGen Creator的接口程序,可以在OpenGL中导入MultiGen Creator建好的模型(flt)WE-this program is an interface between OpenGL and MultiGen Creator,it can be used to introduce flt model created by MultiGen Creator to openGL.
- NEXTCHIP的OSD开发工具,很好用的,支持256色,支持鼠标样式编辑,生成FNT\\FLT等格式的文件.
- 这是一个利用OpenFlightAPI来读取flt文件的程序,并且绘制显示.
- opengl读取ive或者flt的相关程序代码
- --- --- --- MPEG Layer 3 (and 2 and 1, and MPEG 2) decoder for Cool Edit ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Based on the code from \"maplay\" version 1.2. See mp3.c for more details. If you used our o
- vega prime demo 用于对flt实体的组成node进行遍历,同时更新node节点的信息及属性
- openflight(flt)文格式的详细说明文档,注意是英文版的,中文版的目前没有发现-openflight (flt) a detailed descr iption of the text format documents, pay attention to is the English version and Chinese version of the current did not find
- VC6.0下写的OPENFLIGHT(.flt)格式的文件读取和显示程序,基于OPENFLIGHT API开发的,Written by VC6.0 under OPENFLIGHT (. Flt) file format to read and display program, based on the development of OPENFLIGHT API
- 关于openflight读取的程序 在网上很难找的。这个是读取flt文件的库 有源代码,是c++的 ,Openflight read the procedures on the Internet it is very difficult to find. This is a flt to read the library source code file is c++ the
- vega prime与C++混合编程实例,模拟驾驶车辆运动,可以左转右转,加速减速,刹车等功能,可以用键盘和鼠标控制。-This sample illustrates the use of the drive motion model (vpMotionDrive). It defines the class myApp, which is derived from vpApp, and overrides the vpApp::onKeyInput() method to allow for
- vega prime与C++混合编程实例,模拟第一人称游戏运动,可以左转右转向前向后,类似CS运动模式,能精确调整速度,加速度等数值,可以用键盘和鼠标互动。-This sample illustrates the use of the game motion model (vpMotionGame). It defines the class myApp, which is derived from vpApp, and overrides the vpApp::onKeyInput() me
- 使用VC及vega prime、creator生成动态可控场景及人机交互控制flt模型-Using the VC and vega prime, creator generate dynamic control scenarios and interactive control flt model
- 三维建模软件creator的一点应用,将max文件转为flt文件,实现实时系统的应用-Creator of three-dimensional modeling software application that will max files to flt file, the application of real-time system implementation
- openflight(flt)文格式的详细说明文档,注意是英文版的,中文版的目前没有发现-openflight (flt) a detailed descr iption of the text format documents, pay attention to is the English version and Chinese version of the current did not find
- vc++环境下调用vega函数,实现小镇场景中代码添加小物体的flt模型文件,player与object捆绑,视点observ与player捆绑,视点跟真飞机飞行,且有前后左右俯仰六个方向的视图-vc++ environment vega call function, the realization of the town code to add a small scene objects file flt model, player bundled with the object, view
- vega prime与C++混合编程实例,模拟飞碟运动,不受惯性重力影响,可以左转右转,加速减速,突然加速、停止等功能,可以用键盘和鼠标控制。-This sample illustrates the use of the UFO motion model (vpMotionUFO). It defines the class myApp, which is derived from vpApp, and overrides the vpApp::onKeyInput() method to a
- vega prime与C++混合编程实例,模拟步行运动,可以实现左转右转,前进后退等功能,遇到障碍物会碰撞,可以调节身高速度等数值,可以用键盘和鼠标互动。-This sample illustrates the use of the walk motion model (vpMotionWalk) and a user defined collision detection position strategy. It defines the class myApp, which is deri
- 是一个直升机三维模型 利用Creator制作 flt格式 可以转成别的格式-Three-dimensional model of a helicopter is produced by Creator flt format can transform into other formats
- 讲述C语言的陷阱及预防的建议。作者是AT&T Bell Laboratories的Andrew Koenig -The C language is like a carving knife: simple, sharp, and extremely useful in skilled hands. Like any sharp tool, C can injure people who don!flt know how to handle it This paper shows so
- OSG下读取flt例程,需要预先配置好环境(Reading FLT routines under OSG requires a pre configured environment)