2D游戏地图编辑器 V0.1 测试版
- 2D游戏地图编辑器 V0.1 测试版-2D game map editor V0.1 beta
Edgame 易语言2D游戏开发引擎最终版
- 易语言2D游戏开发引擎最终版,基于著名国外2D引擎HGE封装,能开发商业品质的2D游戏。-2D game development engine, easy language the final version, based on the well-known foreign HGE 2D engine package, able to develop commercial quality 2D games.
- 一个基于DirectX的2D游戏引擎,良好的代码风格完整的代码注释,结构清晰,继续上次上传版本的更新,增加粒子系统,增加动画部分,添加了多个演示程序,更新了帮助文档,此代码为个人学习所写,若你下载了代码,发现问题或者你有一些建议,可用409361656@qq.com联系我,GUI部分我只完成了窗口和按钮这个两个控件,基类已经写好了,若你有兴趣的话请自行实现,The DirectX-based 2D game engine, good code style complete code Notes,
- Unity3D手机2D游戏开发实例工程源代码-Unity3D mobile 2D game development project source code examples
- 这是一个出色的IPHONE 2D游戏开发引擎.其源代码在IPHONE游戏开发中被广为流传.感谢大家下载,This is an excellent IPHONE 2D game development engine. IPHONE its source code in the game development has been widely circulated. Thank you for downloading
- 一个类似超级玛丽的完整的2d卷轴游戏代码,包括游戏资源,总之是一个很完整的东西。很适合做为游戏编程的练习。-A similar super-Mary complete scroll 2d Game code, including Game of resources, as long as it is a very complete thing. Game programming is very suitable for the practice.
- 游戏资源提取合集-可以有效提取大量单机游戏和网络游戏等资源(包括图片-声音-特效-动画-模型等各种资源)支持各种2D或者3D游戏-Game resource extraction can be effectively extracted from large collection of games and game of network resources ( including pictures-- the sound effects- Animation- model and other r
- 2D游戏引擎HGE1.81,整合了目前大部分相关的增强代码集合,其中包括: 1、修改支持DirectX9 2、添加中文说明文档和地图编辑器 3、添加中文输出与输出,添加Flash支持,添加与之相关Turorial代码样例 4、添加文本编辑框的选择、复制和焦点查询功能 5、添加对所有tutorials的调用工程,并修改所有Turorial工程设置以方便运行 6、添加中文的粒子系统编辑器 -2D game engine HGE1.81, integration of
- 2D游戏引擎。这些代码是我大二、三时写的,所有代码原创(SoundEngine、lua等代码除外哈),如有雷同,纯属巧合。 代码可供大家学习交流,可以任意使用、修改。-2D game engine. The code is the sophomore, wrote three o' clock, all the original code (SoundEngine, lua and other code except Ha), any similarity is purely coin
- 简单的2D游戏引擎,包括AStar算法等实现,Win32程序,游戏入门极好的参考。-A simple 2D game engine, including the realization of AStar algorithm, Win32 process, an excellent reference for game entry.
- 用C#实现的一个2d战旗类游戏的通用地图编辑器-With C# Achieve a 2d game Stabswache Universal Map Editor
- simple 2D game in OpenGL. The game can be control by mouse and keyboard. We have to shoot boxes before the boxes go down to shooter
- c#+XNA 2D游戏开发教程(3)这一部分我们将完成的工作是在工程中添加Asset,听上去好像很复杂,Asset是什么?添加到工程又是什么概念?那其实是很简单的事情,我会通过三个部分的解说包括实际的操作方法来说明这次的章节,看不懂的可以看视频的,那么接下去就正式开始写了。 一、Visual Studio的用法。 这就是我说的三个部分中的第一个,VS的解说。肯定很多看到这里的人要不耐烦了,你弄这种东西干什么啊,都来看XNA了当然会C#会.net会VS-c#+ XNA 2D game develo
- android ronkon 2d game engin 例子-android ronkon 2d game engin
- 2D游戏虚拟城市VB版源代码2D game source code version of Virtual City VB -2D game source code version of Virtual City VB
- VB 2d游戏引擎模块开发代码VB 2d game engine module development code -VB 2d game engine module development code
- HGE delphi 版本的2D 游戏引擎(加强版本)支持 d2009 - delphi ex ... 很强大的开源引擎-HGE delphi versions of 2D game engine (enhanced version) support the d2009- delphi ex ... very powerful open source engine
- 基于unity游戏引擎C#编程语言开发的一款简单的2D小游戏(A simple 2d game based on the unity game engine c # programming language)
- 2d游戏素材包,内含经典游戏场景图和人物角色图,可用于自制游戏(2D game material package, contains the classic game scene map and character map, can be used for homemade games)
Foundation Game Design with ActionScript
- Learn the skills to design any conceivable 2D game using Flash and Actionscr ipt.