- 早期魔力宝贝*VB代码,学习*编程的例子。-early magic Baby external VB code, external learning programming examples.
- 石器时代、魔力宝贝客户端图像资源提取工具源代码-Stone Age, Baby Magic client image resource extraction tool source code
- 贾云得《机器视觉》全书下载(上册) 超经典,必读教程,必有大收获,中文版,WORD结构。珍藏的宝贝啊。-Jia Yun in "machine vision" book download (on the list) ultra-classic, the required reading list for a big gain there, the Chinese version. WORD structure. Collection of the Baby ah.
- 贾云得《机器视觉》全书下载(下册) 超经典,必读教程,必有大收获,中文版,WORD结构。珍藏的宝贝啊。-Jia Yun in "machine vision" book download (List) - classics, and the required reading list for a big gain there, the Chinese version. WORD structure. Collection of the Baby ah.
- 基于单片机设计制作的只能玩具,支持语音功能-based on the design of the microcontroller can only toys, voice support
- 从“闹钟时”下拉框选择要闹铃的小时(0-23),从“闹钟分”下拉框选择要闹铃的分钟。当闹铃时间前1分钟会弹出一个提醒窗口,持续闹铃3分钟。如果不想听了可以把提醒窗口关掉。如果不想设置而不小心又点了下拉框,可点击“不设置”。当小时设置在上午时间段,听到的是女声“宝贝,快起床了”,其他听到的则是狼叫声,呵呵。 -from "alarm at the" drop-down box to choose the Alarms hours (0-23), "clock ho
- 最短路径之娃娃找草莓Demodelphi源码 控件类源码windows平台-shortest path to find the baby's Strawberry Demodelphi source control classes source windows platform
- 宝贝一个,收藏有北航所有有关c8051基础实验的例程,包括adc dac 比较器 ,定时,spi,iic,定时,串口,中断等等。并已经过验证 强烈要求加80分以上-a baby, has a collection of all the Beijing University of Aeronautics and Astronautics c8051 experimental basis for the routines, including adc dac comparators, timin
- 这是一款用EM78P153S开发的婴儿牙刷,内含原理图、源代码,静态功耗低于1uA-This is a baby toothbrush with EM78P153S development, containing schematics, source code, static power consumption is less than 1uA
- 完美国际宝宝辅助易源码 本人菜鸟才刚学希望对大家有帮助-Perfection international baby-assisted rookie Yi Source I just want to learn everyone has to help
- POJ 1955 置换群 模拟 POJ 1792 蜜蜂问题 组合数学 杨辉三角 Pibonacci Java代码 组合数学经典问题 HOJ 2007 java 代码 组合数学 POJ 3243 Clever Y Baby-step算法-POJ 1955 permutation group simulation POJ 1792 issue of combinatorial mathematics Bee Yang Hui Triangle Pibonacci Java code
- 低成本型Baby monitor的原理图,用sonix mcu开发-Baby monitor low-cost type of the schematic, developed by sonix mcu
- baby-jiant step 基本思想及实现 poj 2417 ac代码-baby-giant step thought & implementation poj2417 accept source code
- 可以读取淘宝宝贝描述页面-Can read the taobao baby descr iption page
- 一款魔力宝贝游戏的*,可以瞬移。快速战斗,不遇敌以及步步遇敌等等内含各种任务的坐标可以快速进行任务-A magic baby game plug-in, you can teleport. Quick fight, no enemy and the enemy, and so on, the coordinates of a variety of tasks can be quickly performed
- Demon simulate keystrokes, baby 易语言自动合-Demon simulate keystrokes, baby
Baby Incubator Elex
- Baby Incubator system Bluetooth
Smart baby cradle_embedded_code
- 本嵌入式软件工程基于STM32F103ZET6 的智能婴儿摇篮系统源代码,用来检 测婴儿的各项生命特征、 睡姿以及当周遭环境对婴儿健康产生影响时做出一系列 的应对措施,同时具有婴儿防偷功能。该装置主要由STM32F103ZET6主控芯片、 TFT 触摸显示屏、WiFi 模块、雨水模块、摄像头等一系列传感器组成。通过以上各个模块和传感器,保证了系统的正常运行。(The embedded software engineering based on STM32F103ZET6 intellige
Smart baby cradle APP V2.0(add notification)
- 本手机APP软件是基于STM32F103ZET6 主控芯片的智能婴儿摇篮装置,用来检测婴儿的各项生命特征、 睡姿以及当周遭环境对婴儿健康产生影响时做出一系列的应对措施,同时具有婴儿防偷功能。。App 包含有三个控制页面,第一个是婴儿的生理数据页面, 第二个是环境参数页面, 第三个是远程设备控制页面,方便快捷供家长使用。(The APP software is based on the STM32F103ZET6 master chip intelligent baby cradle device
- persian subtitle for baby driver