- 可以在VB中快速得到文本框(TextBox)中的文本行数-in VB can be rapid text box (TextBox), the number of text lines
- 该例子实现可以限制TEXTBOX输入的最大字数。-example of the realization of TEXTBOX can restrict the importation of the greatest number of words.
- This sample uses Microsoft.WindowsMobile.PocketOutlook and Microsoft.WindowsMobile.Telephony to: - Databind a ContactCollection to a ListBox. - Databind a Contact Property to a TextBox. - Edit Contact Properties. - Send SMS messages
- you can chose :only number ,text only or any with this textbox
- 计算电路中晶体管的关键参数。 界面友好,功能实用。-a useful tools to calculate the scale of mos transistor. This Program is dedicated to calculate the Parameters of the MOSFET in analog IC design. Microsoft .net framework 2.0 or above is needed. 1) Input every THREE
- function [] = GUI_7() Demonstrate how to store choice counters for multiple user choices. Creates a popup with two choices and a textbox to display the number of times each choice has been made. -function [] = GUI_7() Demonstrate how t
- This class converts morse code input from a user into a specific number. * Dots are defined by the system as pressing the mouse button and releasing within 250 ms. * Dashes are defined by the system as pressing the mouse button and releasing a
- WPF自制TextBox利用Validation验证来实现必填项和焦点的提示特效。必填项的用户名和Email的提示为,不满足规则不消失,有警示作用。非必填项身份证和QQ号的提示为,无论规则满足与否,提示只与焦点有关,即焦点失去即消失。个人觉得效果很好。-Homemade WPF TextBox Validation validation required prompt and focus effects. Required user name and Email tips, does not s
- Descr iption: This sample uses Microsoft.WindowsMobile.PocketOutlook and Microsoft.WindowsMobile.Telephony to: - Databind a ContactCollection to a ListBox. - Databind a Contact Property to a TextBox. - Edit Contact Properties. -
- C#中四种常用的文本框操作:设置密码文本框,响应回车,只显示数字,显示N位数浮点数-C#, four commonly used text box operations: Set the Password text box, enter the response, only the figures, shows N-digit floating-point number
- 1) 熟悉label,textbox,button,SqlConnection,SqlCommand,DataGridView, DataSet等控件 2) 新建窗体Form1,完成学生信息(学号、姓名、性别、生日和班级)的录入。 3) 新建一个窗体Form2,实现数据的浏览,修改,和删除操作。 4) 新建一个窗体Form3,能够实现通过登陆界面跳转到Form1。 -1) be familiar with label, textbox, button, SqlConnecti
- VB源码实现统计MSHFLexGrid控件中的各种数据,在实际的数据库编程应用中,是很实用的保管。ESC:隐藏焦点并将其返回 MSFlexGrid,添加Sub MSHFlexGridEdit例程以初始化文本框,并将焦点从 Hierarchical FlexGrid 传递到 TextBox 控件,删除回车符,以消除嘟嘟声。 接着,当把数据输入到 TextBox 中时,您需要先告诉Hierarchical MSFlexGrid 控件应该对数据做什么。当您输入数据并按下 ENTER 键,或用
- 一个简单的随机数生产例子,包含一个按钮,及随机数显示文本框,方便初学者使用,包含可执行文件,可直接执行。-a small build interger random number program. formed from a button and a textbox, can run dierectly,suit for beginning learner.
- a small program of Traffic Light System Model(be written in visual basic 6.0)-Traffic Light System Model with flash light, you can input some number fill into the textbox and it can change the time delay of tree light
- 一个简单的计算器。在textbox中输入数字,点击按钮计算得结果。有加减乘除与取模五种运算。-A simple calculator. Enter the number in the textbox, click on the button to calculate the results. There are five kinds of operation mode and add, subtract, multiply and divide.