- COBF (aka C-Obfuscator) is a program which manipulates C or C++ sourcefiles in a way that they aren t readable by human beings but they remain compilable. The benefit of COBF lies in the distribution of programs (freeware, shareware, commercial softw
- 计算两篇文档相似性,可以用来查看连篇文章是否抄袭-similar calculation two documents, can be used to check whether a series of articles plagiarism
- 研究生编的一个射频处理监控平台的软件,在vc下编译通过,仅供大家学习参考,禁止抄袭,运行时用户名密码可以随意输-part of a postgraduate RF Processing Monitor software platform, vc compiler, we learn only reference to prohibit plagiarism, run-time user name password can be arbitrarily lose
- 来VCKBASE好长时间了,从没做过贡献,今天用到AES加密算法,在GOOGLE里好像还没找到C++的AES代码,所以就由C#版照搬了一个类出来,只为方便大家使用,大家不要骂我抄袭哦,版权还是人家C#版的,有BUG mail:jruinet@163.com,在VC7.1下编译调试成功,下面是源代码,你们自已看着办吧-to VCKBASE good long time, but have never done contribution today use AES encryption algori
- 基于Java3D的模型动画引擎,请用eclipse+Java3D环境。2005年初编写。附带毕业设计论文一篇。注意不要抄袭,这个发表过的。可以导入3d max模型,进行动画设计。附带几个简单的动画例子。-Java3D-based model animation engine, please use the eclipse Java3D environment. Early in 2005 the preparation. Fringe graduation thesis a design. Ta
- 简易进销存(学习用) 绝对私人开发,并非上网抄袭-summary Invoicing (to study) absolutely private development, the Internet is not plagiarism
- 本软件是用C语言编写的采用命令行界面与用户交流的抄写器,它实现的功能有对原有的C语言程序进行修改,从而得到结果相同,但是形式不相似的新的C语言程序.该软件还有帮助功能,可以随时为用户提供帮助.本软件仅供学习交流之用,不提倡学生用本软件抄袭别人的C语言程序.-The software is written in C, using the command-line interface with users of copying devices, which have the functions of
- 这个小程序是算法设计与分析方面的,求解背包问题,用的是递归设用的方法,本程序不是本人做的,朋友做的,可以拿来参考一下,不要抄袭,本人尊重版权朋友.-this is a small program algorithm design and analysis, problem solving backpack, it was established with the recursive method, the procedure is not my doing, friends do, can be
- ROST投稿审稿系统由远程投稿、远程审稿、采编管理以及反剽窃等四大模块,即将推出提升文献引用率的SEO管理模块和网刊模块。-ROST submission review system by the remote submission, remote reviewers, editorial management, and anti-plagiarism, and other four modules, the upcoming rate increase SEO citation and net
- 我的毕业设计经典的模拟1990坦克,代码全部自己写的,非常有参考价值,想学习做简单游戏的可以从这学起~~~鄙视抄袭。。。源代码仅仅做参考用-I graduated from the simulation of the classic 1990 design tanks, all of its own written code, very useful, want to learn the game can be so simple to learn from ~ ~ ~ despise plag
- java做的数据库课程设计方案,连接数据库为SQLServer2000。能实现学生学籍管理,包括学籍录入、查询、修改、删除、删除。还有学生成绩的增删改查,以及对用户权限的增删改查,功能完全,课设成绩为优秀,欢迎参考,抄袭后果自负。-java program to do the database design, database connectivity SQLServer2000. Students to achieve school management, including school e
- The Rabin–Karp algorithm is a string searching algorithm created by Michael O. Rabin and Richard M. Karp in 1987 that uses hashing to find any one of a set of pattern strings in a text. For text of length n and p patterns of combined length m, its av
- C设计查重反抄袭模块代码C re-design of anti-plagiarism check the module code -C re-design of anti-plagiarism check the module code
- QQ对对碰*源码,算法完全自写,非网络抄袭-QQ right touch external source, the algorithm completely self-written, non-Internet plagiarism
- 实现了所有WINDOWS系统自带记事本的所有功能,并添加了一些其他功能。所有代码是本人全部写的,无任何抄袭。直接用Eclipse导入运行即可。我是个初学者,站长大哥给审核下啊-WINDOWS system to achieve all of this comes with all the features of Notepad, and add some additional features. All my code is all written without any plagiarism.
- OA企业管理系统,数据库及源代码,可以尽情的使用。无代码抄袭。-OA enterprise management systems, databases and source code, you can enjoy the use. No code plagiarism.
- java做的数据库课程设计方案,连接数据库为SQLServer2000。能实现学生学籍管理,包括学籍录入、查询、修改、删除除、删除。还有学生成绩的增删改查,以及对用户权限的增删改查,功能完全,课设成绩为优秀,欢迎参考,抄袭后果自负。 -java database curriculum design, connect to the database for the SQLServer2000. To achieve the student record management, includi
- Plagiarism Checker X 5.1.4 Pro with crack. good softwar for help to uate your paper for publishing-Plagiarism Checker X 5.1.4 Pro with crack. good softwar for help to uate your paper for publishing
- describes about plagiarism rules
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