- Linux下的tree命令,同window,功能更强大! 1、下载tree-源程序 2、解压源码到工作目录tar zxvf tree- 3、在tree-目录交叉编译:make CC=arm-linux-gcc 4、安装:make prefix=/home/xxxx/rootfs install Ubuntu下 直接 apt-get install tree 即可安装最新的tr
- about sound recognition.i want to downlod
- The is the source directory of the bluetoothlaz package. The package and examples are licensed under the modified LGPL. See the headers of the the files. At the moment it only supports linux. Prerequisites: For linux you need the B
- linux 下修改蓝牙地址 sudo apt-get install bluez-utils libbluetooth-dev-linux change bluetooth address ubuntu8.10 sudo apt-get install bluez-utils libbluetooth-dev
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- 在ubuntu10.04_下安装_ns2_2.34.doc,介绍了在ubuntu中安装ns2.34的步骤,而在ubuntu10.10中可以直接通过sudo apt-get install命令,根据提示来安装-In ubuntu10.04_ install _ns2_2.34.doc, describes the steps ns2.34 installed ubuntu, and can be directly in ubuntu10.10 sudo apt-get install comman
- 如果你知道有程序在磨你的硬盘,但是你又不能确定是哪一个程序在磨你的硬盘,那么就用 iotop来帮助你吧。 在Ubuntu里安装命令是: sudo apt-get install iotop 安装好之后在终端输入:iotop就可以了-If you know your hard drive grinding program, but you can not determine which of a program in the grinding of your hard driv
- Axel-加速下载工具 Axel 通过打开多个 HTTP/FTP 连接来将一个文件进行分段下载,从而达到加速下载的目的。对于下载大文件,该工具将特别有用。 安装:sudo apt-get install axel 一般使用:axel url(下载文件地址) 限速使用:加上 -s 参数,如 -s 10240,即每秒下载的字节数,这里是 10 Kb 限制连接数:加上 -n 参数,如 -n 5,即打开 5 个连接 这是安卓源代码下可以编译的。 运行于安卓系统
- APT(the Advanced Packaging Tool)Ubuntu 软件包管理系统的高级界面,Ubuntu 是基于Debian的,APT由几个名字以“apt-”打头的程序组成。apt-get、apt-cache 和apt-cdrom是处理软件包的命令行工具。-APT (the Advanced Packaging Tool) advanced interface of the Ubuntu package management systems, Ubuntu is based on D
- ipython 是一个 python 的交互式 shell,比默认的python shell 好用得多,支持变量自动补全,自动缩进,支持 bash shell 命令,内置了许多很有用的功能和函数。在ubuntu 下只要 sudo apt-get install ipython 就装好了,通过 ipython 启动。-ipython is a python interactive shell, than the default python shell is much more useful to
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- MCP3424 ADC Chip This code gives you all the 8 Channel readouts at once. Readout abelectronics ADC Pi board inputs via C Required package: apt-get install libi2c-dev Compile with gcc: $ sudo gcc adcon1d.c -o adcon1d
- 8 Channels ADC This C language code, will read all 8 channel at once. This is based on the MCP3424 Chip. Readout abelectronics ADC Pi board inputs via C Required package: apt-get install libi2c-dev Compile with gcc: $
- Vehicle detection, its an opensource code and works well with opencv and boost, === === === === === === === ==== = multi-target tracking method by Wongun Choi === === === === === === === ==== Compile * Require opencv and boost library to b
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- gen logo The steps to generate a splash.img: 1 sudo apt-get install python-imaging 2 python ./logo_gen.py snapdragon.png