- verify the idea of <Single Image Dehazing>, which has good result for the haze image recover.,verify the idea of <Single Image Dehazing>, which has good result for the haze image recover.
- 图像与视频快速去雾去雾源代码 C++环境, -image dehaze and code ,simple c++ environment
- 关于dark channel在去雾算法应用的方法介绍-the introduction of the use of dark channel in dehaze algorithm
- 基于暗原色先验的单一图像去雾算法 香港中文大学的一篇论文-dark channel prior dehazing single image dehazing using dark channel prior
MARK Dehaze
- 2009年CVPR最佳论文《Single image haze removal using dark channel prior》暗原色图像去雾的算法实现。与原文不同的是本程序没有完成最后matting细化效果的部分,但仍能够达到视觉上可以接受的去雾效果。计算机视觉课程作业。工程运行于VS2008环境,需要OpenCV支持。Debug目下exe文件可以直接双击运行查看结果。-CVPR 2009 Best Paper " Single image haze removal using d
- its used to remove haze-its used to remove haze..
- Single Image Dehazing单幅图像去雾论文代码-Single Image Dehazing:source code
- 改进的基于暗原色先验图像去雾算法,采用C语言实现,有耗时统计和效果显示,对做去雾研究的人员有一定的参考价值。-this is a program exe coded by the c language, there are time cost and the result display,then is refered as a standard to the dehaze.
- 根据CVPR最佳论文实现的基于暗通道的图像去雾算法(含soft matting),以及算法改进:包括对色彩失真的改进以及一种达到soft matting效果的快速算法-According CVPR Best Paper realized based on dark channel images to fog algorithms (including soft matting), and algorithm improvements: Improvements include color dis
- 一个单通道去雾算法,C++实现下效果显著,值得推荐下载-A single channel to fog algorithms, under C++ achieve a significant effect, it is recommended to download
- Design a feedforward network is u dehaze algorithms review path planning using GA and ACO... The neural network adaboost stron TS neural network m files, fast c bp neural network, written with C Bayes net and memory based learni
- Design a feedforward network is u dehaze algorithms review path planning using GA and ACO... The neural network adaboost stron TS neural network m files, fast c bp neural network, written with C Bayes net and memory based learni
- dark channel prior dehaze source code,暗通道优先去雾源代码,希望对大家有用
- 何凯明的暗原色先验图像去雾代码,能快速有效的实现图像去雾-Dark grey prior to fog algorithm based on Dr He Kaiming program, can complete the fast image to fog
- 基于暗通道先验的图像去雾,根据暗通道先验恢复含雾图像,简单实用。-Based on the image to go to the dark passage priori fog, according to the dark channel prior recovery images contain fog, simple and practical.
- matlab 除雾 混合方法 内涵图片 转载-matlab dehaze defog matlab combined technique
- matlab fattal 2008去雾算法,single image dehaze-matlab fattal 2008 defogging algorithm, single image dehaze
- 一种基于景深的去雾方法,将按通道中的最大值和最小值作为景深基准线,计算其垂直方向上的暗通道像素均值作为透射图,实现去雾,对航拍图效果显著-A dehaze method based on the depth of field, draw a depth datum line according to the maximum value and minimum value of the dark channel, calculate the pixel of the dark channel at
- Tarel的去雾论文Fast visibility restoration a single color or gray level image中的源码,去雾效果还可以。-Tarel s fog paper which is Fast visibility restoration a single color or gray level image .The source of code, has good dehaze effect.
- Dehazing the images in matlab.. this is used to dehaze the images which is foggy. in this project the filter is mainly used to defog the images