- 这个类提供了一个快速和更简单的方式来使用RC4算法来加密和解密文件。它也包括了用来打开,读取,编写和附加文件的方法。包括了一个类的演示客户端程序。- This kind has provided fast and the simpler way uses the RC4 algorithm to encrypt reconciles the dense document. It also included has used for to open, reads takes, compilat
- 实现移位密码: 加密: 输入:k,以及小写表示的明文字母, 输出:大写字母表示的密文 解密:输入: k,以及大写字母表示的密文, 输出:小写字母表示的明文 例如,当k=11时 明文:wewillmeetatmidnight 密文:HPHTWWXPPELEXTOYTRSE-achieve shift Password : encryption : Admission : k, and explicitly expressed in lowercase letters, output : ca
- 根据设计要求:1)具有文件加密和解密功能;2)具有加解密速度统计功能;3)采用密文反馈链接和密文挪用短块处理技术。我们可以知道,程序要有加密模块、解密模块、子密钥生成模块,这三个模块构成DES算法。DES算法再构成3DES,这很简单,只要加个密钥便可实现。3DES还必须工作在密文反馈连接模式下和使用密文短块挪用技术。至于速度统计功能就很好实现,用文件长度除以处理时间便是加解密速度。-based on the design requirements : 1) with file encryptio
- 2005年三级网络考前密卷 书籍语言: 简体中文 书籍类型: 认证考试 授权方式: 免费软件 书籍大小: 291 KB -2005 three resembling dense network volumes Language : English books types : Certification Examination Authorization : free software books Size : 291 KB
- 2005年9月计算机等级考试二级VB考前密卷 书籍语言: 简体中文 书籍类型: 认证考试 授权方式: 免费软件 书籍大小: 2.52 MB -September 2005 computer grade examination two VB resembling dense volumes Language : English books types : Certification Examination Authori
- 交女朋友,教你几招,女朋友密笈,希望对你有所悟,祝大学成功!- Makes the girlfriend, teaches you several moves, the girlfriend dense book box, hoped has to you becomes aware, wishes the university to be successful!
- DES算法把64位的明文输入块变为64位的密文输出块,它所使用的密钥也是64位.-DES algorithm combines 64 express importation into 64 blocks of dense text output block, it is also the key 64.
- VC++编程实现了二元域的BM算法。Berlekamp-Massey 算法是一个少有的高效算法。只需要输入密文中的2l个比特,就可以产生LFSR的最小多项式,从而生成整个序列。这里的l是系统的线性复杂度。-VC + + programming domain of the dual BM algorithm. Berlekamp-Massey algorithm is a rare efficient algorithm. Just type of dense text 2l bits, we c
computing dense correspondence graph cuts
- computing dense correspondence # # (disparity map) between two images using graph cuts This software implements stereo algorithms described in the following papers: Vladimir Kolmogorov and Ramin Zabih "Multi-Camera scene Reco
denseSift.extract dense sift for each image patch
- extract dense sift for each image patch, because no salient keypoint detection and rotation normalization, it is very efficient.,extract dense sift for each image patch, because no salient keypoint detection and rotation normalization, it is very eff
- 针对传统方法难以可靠估计图像中纹理单一区域像素点视差的问题,将纹理分析应用于立体匹配中,提 出图像分块整体匹配的方法。首先用LBP/C纹理分析方法对图像纹理进行描述 然后进行基于区域生长的扩张检 测,得到纹理单一图像块 最后对图像块进行整体匹配,得到纹理单一区域的稠密视差图。对国际标准图像进行测试, 结果表明该算法能提高纹理单一区域稠密视差图的精度,具有实用价值 ,Due to the difficulty of getting disparity of less textured pi
- Dense Matching using energy minimization
- The uploading files is a good dense stereo matching algorithm, which is usually used in computer vision and computer graphics application.
- 代码用于寻找图像间的匹配点。先使用SIFT匹配算法得到两幅图像间的稀疏匹配点,然后再使用quasi-dense propagation算法得到quasi-dense匹配点。代码使用C++编写。 -This program is used to find point matches between two images. The procedure can be divided into two parts: 1) Firstly, using SIFT matching algor
- Tracking people in a dense crowd is a challenging problem for a single camera tracker due to occlusions and extensive motion that make human segmentation difficult. In this paper we suggest a method for simultaneously tracking all people in a
- 基于准稠密匹配的结构化场景三维重建(论文) 关键词:准稠密匹配;平面映射;鱼眼图像;三维重建;基于图像的渲染-Structure Scene Reconstruction Based on Quasi—Dense Match Propagation
- 基于区域的稠密立体匹配方法(论文) 关键词:种子点;区域增长;稠密匹配-Based on Region Dense Three—dimensional Match Method
- a dense 3D reconstruction method
- PIM Dense mode for Linux. This is a rarity these days.
- 基于VC++的双目立体视觉检测 采用SIFT特征点计算稀疏匹配 和稠密匹配-VC++ based binocular stereo vision detection using SIFT feature points to calculate sparse matching and dense matching