NEO SDK 图形库 2.1.90
- NEO V2.1.90 正式版的说明文件。 这个压缩包中的包括了NEO的头文件(即源程序)、帮助文档、实例、汉字库等组件: NEO--| |--docs:内含NEO详细的开发及使用文档, | 有了它就能很容易地使用NEO SDK了! | &n
- Here s where to find things: - The documentation is located in docs\\readme.rtf and can be read with WordPad, MS Word, etc. - A descr iption of what has changed since the last version can be found in WhatsNew.txt. - A retail build of the lib
ACE60SRC ACE 6.0 源码 ACE自适配通信环境
- ACE 6.0 源码 ACE自适配通信环境(ADAPTIVE Communication Environment)是可自由使用、开放源码的面向对象(OO)框架(framework),它实现了许多用于并发通信软件的核心模式。ACE提供了一组丰富的可重用C++包装外观(wrapper facade)和框架组件,可跨多种平台完成通用的通信软件任务,其中包括:事件多路分离和事件处理器分派、信号处理、服务初始化、进程间通信、共享内存管理、消息路由、分布式服务动态(重)配置、并发执行和同步,等等。 AC
- php rpc 编程接口支持,Java php- P H P R P C What is it? ----------- PHPRPC is a Remote Procedure Calling protocol that works over the Internet. It is secure and fast. It has a smaller overhead. It is power
- Performs Procustes point alignment on a group of point sets. Method rigidly aligns, shifts, and scales points to reduce mean square error. Method is described in: B. Klare, P Mallapragada, A.K. Jain, and K. Davis, "Clustering Face Carvings: E
- This do cument presents a short intro duction to the Texas Instrument SimpliciTI library V1.1.1 in the WSN430 platform context. It explains how to p ort it on the WSN430 hardware platform, to make it compilable with MSPGCC, and gives a very simpl
- an algorithm of decryption of seca2 scrambling system.