- Library of C functions that allows a program to use WinSock 2 functionality if it is available or fall back to WinSock 1.1 if it isn t.
- 汇编写的一个打字游戏,字母从上掉落,按速度分等级。以正确输入数决定是否进入下一级。-compilation of a written typing game, a letter from the previous fall, according to the speed rating. The correct number to decide whether importation into the next one.
- 在三维场景中进行物体之间的碰撞检测,模拟了一个物体从空中自由落体,碰到下面的一个物体被摔成碎片的过程-in 3D scenes between objects for the collision detection, simulation of a free-fall from the sky objects, get the following guests were an object of debris
- Delaunay三角网作为一种主要的DTM表尔法,具有权其广泛的用途。经过二十多年来的研究,它的生成算法巳趋于成熟。本文简要介绍了Delaunay三角网的定又及其特性,在简单回顾和评价了分割—归并法,逐点插入法,三角冈生长法等三类主沈算法的基础上,提出了一个融以上算法优点于一体,兼顾空间与时间性能的合成算法。经测试,一般情况下它的运算速度远快于逐点插入法,与分割—归并法相当,较好的情况下快于分割—归并法。-Delaunay Triangulation as a major DTM Fall ta
- 用c语言实现流星雨。流星自右上角落下,碰到地面则消去地面一块砖-used language meteor shower. Instructions from the meteor fall and touched the ground were eliminated from the ground a brick
- Rainy Screensaver 是世界上最好的下雨屏幕保护程序,它真实地再现了雨天的景象,当雨点随风而降,在逼真的雨声、炫目的闪电和滚滚的雷鸣声中,雨点在屏幕上汇集滑落,会让人感觉到电脑屏幕上真的下起了一场暴雨。你可以选择自己喜爱的一组图片作为桌面背景,程序将逐一加载并转化为雨天效果,图片能够以随机或指定顺序显示出来,程序也可以在指定的时间段内重复运行。-Rainy PGM is the world's best rain screen protection program, it
- 英雄是什么? 是大权在手,纵横天下? 是仗剑江湖,任我独行? 还是夙夜忧思,心怀广大? 一千个人心中有一千个哈姆雷特,一时之间谁又说得清楚? 但是玩过了这个游戏,您也许会感叹,只要胸怀宽广,寻常人也能成为英雄。 皇朝的兴衰与英雄的成长,明暗线索的交织会让人唏嘘不已。 一圆您心中对英雄的梦想。 欢迎进入《英雄》的世界! -What is the hero? Power is at hand, the sun? The ring is versatile, as
- 信道编码中使用的两种法尔码算法程序,可以用于GSM系统的信道外编码部分。-channel coding used in both Fall code algorithm, which can be used GSM system outside the channel coding.
- 物理的多媒体演示系统,可以实现小球碰撞,自由落体,单摆等物理的演示-physics multimedia presentation systems, can achieve small ball collision, the free-fall, the pendulum the other physical demonstration
- 杜洋的书《爱上单片机》赠送的光盘,里面有很多新奇有趣的单片机程序-Du Yang' s book, " fell in love with single chip," presented the CD-ROM, there are many new and interesting SCM process
- 实现模式识别KFD学习算法预防老年人跌倒,利用keil调试,是学习嵌入式和模式识别的好资料~-This section presents the example C code of the proposed solution-based ADXL345 and ADuC7026 platform. There are four .h files and one .c file in the project, compiled by Keil UV3. The FallDetection.
- Sample code of a simple fall detection agent demonstrating Location, Contacts and Messaging modules from the new Qt Mobility APIs.
- 上升沿、下降沿检测代码,开发语言是verilog HDL,希望对大家有所帮助-rise or fall detect of information and the tool is the software Quartus and the landuage is vrilog HDLthank you for using it hope it will benifit for you
- fluent用的UDF,控制物体掉落,很详细-fluent use of the UDF, control objects fall
- kalman滤波用于自由落体实验,本质上属于目标跟踪问题-Kalman filter used in free fall experiment, essentially belongs to the target tracking problem
- 跌倒检测的MATLAB程序 包括背景差分 去噪并判断跌倒 提取高宽比 重心下降速率 hu不变矩特征 svm分类-fall detection s MATLAB program including background dirrerence remove noise and ratio of height and wide hu invariable moments and svm classifier
- 图像处理论文,关于跌倒检测与识别,分析跌倒过程中目标特征变化,判断跌倒状态。-Image processing papers, on the fall detection and identification, analysis falls during the target characteristic change judging fall state.
- 手機跌落感應, 测试可用,可供android学习-android mobile fall detector, used the sensor support
- 摔倒检测,可判断前摔,后摔,左摔,右摔,并用MATLAB界面实时显示。-Fall detection, can be determined before the fall, after the fall, fall left and right fall, and real-time display interface with MATLAB.
- 本系统是基于STM32F4Discovery板卡的一种具有多种功能的老人监护设备,有两部分组成,第一部分为摔倒检测装置,检测到摔倒后可以通过两种方式来实现短信或来电报警.-The system is based on the STM32F4Discoy board with a variety of functions of the elderly monitoring equipment, there are two parts, the first part of the fall dete