- vc灵感编程范例源代码 81 创建树 82 创建声音控制按钮 83 播放控制 84 文本对话框 85 时钟 87 通信控制 88 创建文本区域组件 89 更改文本区域 91 学校报表 92 银行平衡表 93 Java多线程小程序演示浏览 94 发送接收数据 95 信件处理 96 服务器监听 97 发送接收UDP数据 98 创建备用屏幕 99 SQL数据集 100 视频会话 101 绘图-vc inspiration programming model to create the source c
- This algorithm was developed by Professor Ronald L. Rivest of MIT and can be found presented in several languages. What I provide to you here is a C++ derivative of the original C implementation of Professor Rivets. The library code itself is pla
- Because my application required the use of a lot of tools (just like 3DS Max), I decided to implement this control. Here I shall share with you the most important details of creating the tabbed toolbar. The implementation of the control is quite
- Logging other people's keystrokes or breaking into other people's computer without their permission can be considered illegal by the courts of many countries. The monitoring software reviewed here is ONLY for authorized system administrators and/or o
- vc灵感编程范例源代码 81 创建树 82 创建声音控制按钮 83 播放控制 84 文本对话框 85 时钟 87 通信控制 88 创建文本区域组件 89 更改文本区域 91 学校报表 92 银行平衡表 93 Java多线程小程序演示浏览 94 发送接收数据 95 信件处理 96 服务器监听 97 发送接收UDP数据 98 创建备用屏幕 99 SQL数据集 100 视频会话 101 绘图-vc inspiration programming model to create the source c
- 这里给出两个 建立ADO连接字符串对话框 的例子。 datalinks.cpp 建立和编辑ADO连接字符串 linktest.cpp 如果只是建立连接字符串,程序还可以这么写。-here is the establishment of two ADO connection string dialog example. Datalinks.cpp create and edit ADO connection string linktest.cpp if only to connect string
MessageBoxTimeout API
- For reasons unknown, Microsoft has never documented the MessageBoxTimeout API located in user32.dll so here it is for those seeking a Message Box that times out and auto closes if the user does not respond to it first.
- COBF (aka C-Obfuscator) is a program which manipulates C or C++ sourcefiles in a way that they aren t readable by human beings but they remain compilable. The benefit of COBF lies in the distribution of programs (freeware, shareware, commercial softw
- Here are the LiteGrid source and demo/test projects
- 类似QQ应用的源码,大家可以下载看看包括一个二次开发包。可以搭建一个游戏网络平台的东西。如何使用请看readme.doc在里面。-similar application source code, you can download including a second look at the development kits. The game can build a network platform things. Here is how to use the inside Readme.doc
- 近日由于需求问题,需要写一个 API Hook 相关的东西,温习了一下牛写的《Windows 核心编程》,做了一个小工具,用来将自定义的 Dll 注入进程空间,并钩住指定 API 函数,关于注入和钩 API 的代码,牛的书里和配套光盘中已经有了,这里主要介绍如何使用这个小工具方便实现截获 API 的功能。(补充代码)-recent demand, the need to write an API Hook related things, a study was made about the ca
- 该程序是非特定人语音识别程序,原来在SPCE500A下运行,能识别并应答16个命令,存储空间为128K字节。 //我们将其进行了修改,使其能在SPCE061A下运行,由于存储空间为32K字,只能识别并应答9个命令。 //在这个例程当中,我们示范了如何使用语音识别引擎对8个已经经过训练的命令进行识别。 //第一个命令 \"Snoopy\",可以作为使能命令,也就是说使用者只能在该命令之后发出其他命令。 //例如,用户只有在发出 \"Snoopy\"命令并且听到响应\"Snoopy here\"之后
- 汉诺塔是初学数据结构的同学最头疼的问题,这里是一个用递归函数解决汉诺塔问题的经典c语言程序,里面有代码和执行文件。-HANOR data structure is that when the students most headaches, here is a solution using a recursive function HANOR a classic c language program, which has code and the implementation document.
- 远程控制的经典之作VNC,Virtual Net Computer,这可是有源程序的阿,绝对不容错过!-VNC(Virtual Net Computer) is the classical product in remote control.Here we have the source code and you can never miss it!!!
- 这是我学习数据结构所编写的一些二叉树及链表常用操作的一些代码!-Here are some codes for ordinary operations of binary tree and link list.
- 由于在单道批处理系统中,作业一投入运行,它就占有计算机的一切资源直到作业完成为止,因此调度作业时不必考虑它所需要的资源是否得到满足,它所占用的CPU时限等因素。 每个作业由一个作业控制块JCB表示,JCB包括如下信息:作业名、提交时刻、所需运行时间、所需资源、作业状态、链指针等。 在程序开始时对用户提交的作业按作业调度算法排列,用链表形式存储,这里分别采用先来先服务、短作业、响应比高者优先调度算法对作业进行调度。这里为了操作者的方便,每个作业无论所需运行时间多少,都是每敲一次键盘就执行完一个作业
- Here a simple Knight Rider style code for 2313
- your ride is here/usaco
- Kinect Start here source code
- Here Maps Split Lane Monitoring Document